So...Who's On Now VIII

Will do. *runs off*

*screams* AHH! MK! Did you see that! Ashley appeared out of thin hair! *holds on to her computer for support* :p
Lol! *starts whispering about Ashley while she's gone*

Soooooooooooooo, what other threads are you guys looking at? :rolleyes::D

Um, a lot of threads. I just bounce around posting everywhere. :p And I'm relpying to PM's. I hate it when they pile up, and talking to my friends on msn.
You are quite the multi-tasker Aurora! lol I'm just going from here to there (wherever "there" is) and watching one of my favourite films of ALL time. :D

I'm here Abby! It's okay! You can see me now!!
to see if anyone noticed:p
*lasers shoot out of eyes and repel grenades back at aurora*

ASH!*attacks also*
*is super happy from riding lessons*

Well I noticed!
*waves white flag* TRUCE!

Ok, my friend is telling me this really weird story and wooow. She's not the same person she used to be. 0_o

*plots against busy server*

(Good thing it ain't servin' me my dinner, 'cause it would be gettin NO tip! *snaps fingers* *slaps knee* *laughs a bit too much* *looks around and sees that no one's laughing* *shuts up*)