So...Who's On Now VIII

*offers MK lifetimes supply of gourmet cookies in exchange for her alliance*
*eats cookie*
i was going to earlier...but ther server was acting up
(oh and my friend says to tell everyone she said hi:rolleyes::p)
*sends mushrooms and wraiths on wings (i find them to be particularly useful)

are you going to back out on me like you did last time and become my foe though?

I would never do that! :eek: :p

Kev said:
Since I don't have any alliances, I accept! What about Levi?
Okay you may join. Sorry, like Nicki said, he's his own alliance. :p

Ferny said:
coruler as in i have to let you have corule over my universe?

i suppose.

levi is an enemy. though, he does have a good radio program

it matters what position kevin is applying for
Yes! We can split the land or something...

Kevin will start out as footstool holder for E&E and he'll have to work his way up. :p
*offers MK lifetimes supply of gourmet cookies in exchange for her alliance*
*eats cookie*
i was going to earlier...but ther server was acting up
(oh and my friend says to tell everyone she said hi:rolleyes::p)

Hi Abby's friend! ^_^

*agrees with Ferny*

Join us MK! And you will never have a threat again!
*tries to look nice*

Nicki, you need to join us too! :p
*waves to Abby's friends* HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

lol, Kevin, Levi doesn't bother with talk radio, he's more interested in ruling the whole world. :rolleyes:

SURE!!! why not, Josh? :p what am I joining? and what is it for? lol...