So...Who's On Now XII

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Um..I know MK in real

and Kayla I know what you mean...Im frustrated with my computer every time I DIAL UP to the internet :rolleyes: i hope it gets better *pats Kaylas computer*
i hate comps. they are mean. they break. they cost way to much.
i had dile up until this summer. for graduation i got a laptop. with it, i pirate my neighbors internet... *innocent smile*:D
i know my siblings, a few friends (only one which posts from time to time) and April (turkishdelight) who i met this year.
But what about the English? :(... I guess there is more of you lol.

I've gotta go to bed anyways... Talk to you laters xxx *Huggles*
I'll come to you Sami and we'll fly out to LionCon together!! :D :D night night!

OMG YOU GUYS! I'm watching AFV and this guy was fishing with his dog and there were these two ducks that didn't like them. So the guy tried shooing the ducks away and one of the ducks JUMPS on the and starts attacking him.

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