So...Who's On Now XII

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We don't care here. :D We embrace it. :D

LOL! YEAH! And then all of your pictures were REALLY big and you were like "What is going oooon?!!?"
Hahahahhaha Stardust, such a great movie. I got it for 9 bucks! I was like i think this movie is worth a lot more than that. For one reason. Ben.Barnes.
Yeah, i loved it. I knew that Tristan and the star would fall in love. :)
When i bought the movie i knew Ben Barnes was in it and my friends were like... are your Narnia people in that movie? Im like huh? What? no. haha they kinda know im obsessed!
I love meeting others who are like me.

*inspirational music plays*

It gives me hope... Because I'm not the only one at my school who loves the things that I do! *wipes tear from eye*
Yeah :) Acutally one of my friends is obsessed with it too. Oh i found these Narnia posters (not to mention i flipped out when i saw them lol, i've been wanting one for a while) and you know when you buy posters and you have to flip through them like a book to browse? And then they have a number on them and you have to go look for it, well, i found a Narnia cast banner and i wanted that one, so i got it but when i opened it it was the wrong one. It was one of Ben Barnes (i still loved it but i really wanted the cast one) and complained to all my friends how i got the wrong Narnia poster haha.
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