So...Who's On Now XII

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Tiff has been chased away cause she can't take fighting the Skandarnites anymore :D

....honestly I'm not sure where she is.

So what are you all up to?
I found a blue lego in the washer when I was trying to put my clothes in the dryer once. It was bizarre. :confused:

Cera, what are you doing on Friday?
Lol!! My school doesnt even have AP courses...its pretty lame...but I never did my Algebra II homework this year..I copied the answers out of the back of the book...still managed to pass! :confused::D
Hahaah! My Algebra 2 teacher would teach us something and then it wouldn't be in the flipping book. And because I already fulfilled my Math requirement I dropped it. Take that Mrs. Stupid Watermiller! lol!
I always copied the even answers out of the back. Whether or not I knew the answer haha! I hated that the odd answers were never in there. I had a teacher that grew wise to the fact that the majority of his students were cheating so he started to make our assignments exclude the even numbers.
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