So...Who's On Now XII

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OOOOOOOOHHHH ANGELA! I love your avvie!

Oomy, it would be stuck in mine as well if I weren't already listening to music. :D
I feel like making another banner, I should just do a whole set since my Anna one looks similar to the Skandar one I just had! I just need, Will, Georgie...and Ben!
ooooohhhh! *is excited to see the rest of the set*

Ang, no harm done. :)

Sheri, why are you haunting Kevin's dreams?
Sheri, why are you haunting Kevin's dreams?

Because Kevin gives me a hard time with my grammar (he's slacked up A LOT now, I guess he just got tired of correcting it, or I just got better :rolleyes:)

hey but at least your a Friend of Narnia already...everytime I think I'm making post count goes down a couple hundred

I just made it to Friend of Narnia. Most everybody that joined a couple month after me, beat me to it :p

B/c she is evil. :p

I am so not! ;)

EDIT: Bye Oomy!
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