So...Who's On Now XII

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yes, some people get all the glory (and requests!!!)lol someday....

well, i think you are amazing, kevin (especially when you make frodonesses (:D))
yes! those crazies! they are lucky enough to take requests but dont take all they recieve! :eek: tisk tisk. they dont see how lucky they are;)

what i especially appreciate about your graphics is that you dont overly flounce your talent like some of the others on the forum
what kind of dogs? unfortunitly, even our great dane is allowed in the house...

ok, im going to bed now. (you should also). so, goodnight and God bless! *sneaks a hug in as well:p)
Gass prices...the sky....

Sry had to do that.

Oh nm....just got myself into another contest on youtube. How are you doing?
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