So...Who's On Now XII

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LOL ^__^

Ummmmmmm......*taps foot* We could talk about....*thinks* I dunno. BUNNIES!! LOL THat's a somewhat limited subject.:rolleyes::p

Seen any good movies lately?
Bunnies are cute!!!!!:D

Ummmm.......good idea for a subject.....

I um... actually, No, I haven't. lol. PC was the last thing I saw in theatres. *is lame* :rolleyes:

Oh, and mom says i gtg.....*siiiiiiiigh*
I'm normally really good at multi-tasking. Like, the other night I was reading the HHB and talking to Kevin on here. But for some reason, I'm not really able to watch a movie that I've never seen and be on TDL. Except for Stardust...but I think that was fluke.
When I read I can't be doing anything else. And usually the computer holds me more than a movie does.

I gotta go. *hugs both* Night guys.:)
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