So...Who's On Now XII

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Where are you going Sheri?

Kentucky, in the Appalachia. It's really poor there. I'll be volunteering at this store where people can come in for food and clothes. It's going to be really sad :( I've never been so, if you all would, please pray for me. It'd be much appreciated :)
This is changing the subject but . . . you are so knowledgeable when it comes to WillMo info :p Do you happen to know if he will be playing a major role in the upcoming movie Ironclad??? I can't find any info anywhere. Thanks!
LOL! That made me smile. I *heard* that he had a lead role in it. But I honestly don't know. *wishes she did* I can't find anything on it either. When I find something out, I'll def let you know. ;)
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