this is northern cali. its not as bad here. more akin to my home in oregon or washington and such
I see, but nothing like Ga. (J/K)this is northern cali. its not as bad here. more akin to my home in oregon or washington and such
lol, yeah, like the gorgia apart of teh bible-belt? (not the best ag geography lol)
Sa-weet! I've been to California, & Oregon, & Washington! (By truck )oh. the farthest i have gone near tehre is kanses. by plane.
*ROFL*no way! me too!
and mexico and canada. teh end.
Sa-weet! I've been to California, & Oregon, & Washington! (By truck )
wow! i havent traveled much at all...i go to utah, idaho, and illinois a lot, ive been to 20 states of the USA
wow! i havent traveled much at all...
I've seen both oceans & been to 27 states...Yeah. I go to Virgina pretty often...i go to utah, idaho, and illinois a lot, ive been to 20 states of the USA, and ive never left te country or seen the ocean
wow! iv been to 4. lolI've seen both oceans & been to 27 states...Yeah.
i have been to america too!
Yeah but your american aint you??