So...Who's On Now XVI

*whew* Okay. I SWEAR I will look at it for you.

Have you read my story on my LJ yet? It's okay, if you haven't it's getting longer and longer. I was just curious.

Good night, Sams! Love love love love love

Well I shall haf to wish you all good night then :D

Sleep well!
You're leaving!? Byee! See you soon! :p
*whew* Okay. I SWEAR I will look at it for you.

Have you read my story on my LJ yet? It's okay, if you haven't it's getting longer and longer. I was just curious.

Good night, Sams! Love love love love love

Um, no. Lately everytime I come on the computer it's because of school work. :eek:
It's alrighty. At least you didn't delete it. I'm still so sorry for that. Did you want me to fix the errors in a different color font?
Aurora, from your other pieces that I've read, I can almost definitely tell you it doesn't suck. I can't say for sure yet because I have yet to read it. ;)