So...Who's On Now XVI

oh, no! can I pm you about it? :(

nm, just school, which I actually like this semester! :eek: lol, I'm working super hard at it, and I'm getting really good grades which always makes me happy. ^_^ how about you? what have you been up to lately? How's all that medical stuff going?

I'd rather not talk about it. There's a lot going on right now. I'm just so busy with school, friends, extracurricular stuff.

Anyways, I g2g. Bye! ttyl! *hugs*
I've never seen the Princess Bride...

Bye Aurora!!! Praying for you! ;)

EDIT: Hey Tess!
Hey! How are you?
:eek: :eek: you poor, unpriveleged child! I would personally send you a copy to your house, but I don't even have one. I rely on the TV.

Hey Tessa! *hugs* what's up?

Uh...a 10 page paper that's due tomorrow and isn't done. What's up with you?

I dont like The Princess Bride :eek:
Uh...a 10 page paper that's due tomorrow and isn't done. What's up with you?

I dont like The Princess Bride :eek:
yikes! hard stuff. what's it on? lol, nm. just got done with midterms(whew!) and this nest week is pretty uneventful. I went to a dance last night (old-fashioned dancing) and I danced with one of my bf's who's also my crush 4 times. :D I was on cloud 9000.
Nikki Lu Who! * hugs*
heya! *hugs* how are you, Han?
In the irony of all ironies: you misspelled unprivileged.
I don't get to watch TV unless its something on DVD. We don't even pick up local stations.

rofl, and you care why?? whoa. 0_0 that's sad! lol, not like I watch much TV either but still...