So...Who's On Now XVI

Anyone on?
I am!!!!!

Guess what?

I went to the Coke factory today! :D It was awesome! I tried all 64 flavors of drinks that they had! :D
South America Coke products taste like: cough syrup
Asian Coke products taste sorta like flat coke.
African Coke products taste like: Uck! I can't even describe the disgustingness! :p
European Coke products taste ok.

The main thing I noticed is that all the other country's drinks don't burn your throat like America's does...So how're you? :D
I am!!!!!

Guess what?

I went to the Coke factory today! It was awesome! I tried all 64 flavors of drinks that they had!
South America Coke products taste like: cough syrup
Asian Coke products taste sorta like flat coke.
African Coke products taste like: Uck! I can't even describe the disgustingness! :p
European Coke products taste ok.

The main thing I noticed is that all the other country's drinks don't burn your throat like America's does...So how're you?

:D I'm so glad you told me all of that! I like America's Coca-Cola okay. But I do hate how it burns going done. Is European Coke like ours without the burn? :p
I'm great!
I saw where you left me a rep. But I actually thought you had already done it because someone left me a rep. On the what are you reading thread and it said Free Reputation. So I thought that was you. It wasn't? ;)
:D I'm so glad you told me all of that! I like America's Coca-Cola okay. But I do hate how it burns going done. Is European Coke like ours without the burn? :p
I'm great!
I saw where you left me a rep. But I actually thought you had already done it because someone left me a rep. On the what are you reading thread and it said Free Reputation. So I thought that was you. It wasn't? ;)
Yeah, European coke is sorta like that!
Maybe I did....Hmmm, I don't remember anymore. :p
Yeah, European coke is sorta like that!
Maybe I did....Hmmm, I don't remember anymore. :p


It was on the 17th. And then it said I had one (and I know it was from you because you signed it) and that was this morning. If it was you I'm surprised it let you send two reps. in just a couple days of each other. I don't know how many times I've tried to give you rep. And it says I need to spread it around or something like that :p

It was on the 17th. And then it said I had one (and I know it was from you because you signed it) and that was this morning. If it was you I'm surprised it let you send two reps. in just a couple days of each other. I don't know how many times I've tried to give you rep. And it says I need to spread it around or something like that :p
lol, well I don't remember...But, I do know that you have to give rep to 20 people before giving it to the same person again. ;)
So, how've you been?
lol, pretty good! how 'bout yourself?
It's too late . . . I'm encouraged!

I would but . . . this sounds totally crazy, but making new thread freak me out! :eek: :D But if you want to make it, I'll be the first to post! :D

oh!!! Certainly!!! I wasn't gonna cause I considered this your project since it was your idea, but I'll put that it was you who inspired it. :D