So...Who's On Now

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I'm fine with my weight...mostly. It's the doctor who says I have to be careful.:rolleyes: long as my tummy's happy I don't really care.:D But I didn't go to subway, I made it myself.:D Some frozen meatballs, some sort of roll or bun, prego and cheese...VIOLA!
Hey Sunny!!!! *hugs*

I have to watch out. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, so I'm more vulnerable. But I excersize...most days.:p And I dance, so that helps.
Hey Sunny!!!! *hugs*

I have to watch out. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, so I'm more vulnerable. But I excersize...most days.:p And I dance, so that helps.

Howdy Oomy! *hugs back*

I always exercise.. I even did my exercises last night at 2 am! :p
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