So...Who's On Now

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*sigh* Even if you did guess I couldn't tell you. Nobody's allowed to know where I live. If I told someone then my mom would take away the internet and y'all would never see me again. You don't want that do you?
You know...don't answer that.:p

Rhetorical questions are always hard to avoid an answer.. with Benji around anyways...

I totally understand, my parents are like that too.
*sigh* Even if you did guess I couldn't tell you. Nobody's allowed to know where I live. If I told someone then my mom would take away the internet and y'all would never see me again. You don't want that do you?
You know...don't answer that.:p

Aww...Oh well, at least, you know where you are in relation to the rest of us. :p
*sigh* Even if you did guess I couldn't tell you. Nobody's allowed to know where I live. If I told someone then my mom would take away the internet and y'all would never see me again. You don't want that do you?
You know...don't answer that.:p

I don't want that. But I'm a good girl, and not asking anything. Never started.. But BENNNNN.. GRRRRR. STOP IT NOW, MISTER!
lived is the key word, Tiffany. :p

I fear no sharp claws. You use those things, and you shall feel my fist. :p don't think I won't.:D

*pulls on boxing gloves*
hospital or grave yard- take your pick!:p

omgsh I just snapped my self iwth a rubber band!!!
haha wild child double post strikes again ( nad ifyou screw it up YOUR ON MY LIST!!! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!)
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