So...Who's On Now

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I lost my mind about two months ago. It was the week before school ended, and I went completely crazy.:D My mind will slowly begin to return as the next year approaches...but I still have another month until then.:p
ehehehe i can't wait until school again, which is weird, but I'm excited!!! hahaha I'm going to be soo stressed, but I can't wait!!! I can't believe I'll only be in highschool for 2 more years! Te past 2 years went by like uber fast!!!!
So you're a Junior now? Nice. I'm a Sophomore.:D
I'm exited too. It'll be so cool to see all my friends again, and walk the campus, they were doing construction so it'll be cool to see how far they got...and CHORUS!! I can't wait to start that back up.:D
But next year my friends have a mission...they want to get me a bf.:eek::p
yes I'll be a Junior. I'm soo excited!!
Construction, eh? Thats cool... we got some new trailers for hte foreign language classes which took up a huge part of the Jr. parking lot, so I'm scared I'm not going to get a parking pass this year. And we can't park in the grocery store parking lot across the street any more, and Seniors have bidbs on everything, so just pray I'll get a spot in time!
haha I wish you and your friends the best of luck with that mission... I need a boyfriend too.. hahaha.
I'll be praying that you get a spot.:D
I'm truthfully fine with being single, but they think I'm lonely or something.:rolleyes: I'll just play along to make them happy, and if I get one...woohoo, if not...Bwahaha!:D
haha yeah I totally get that. I think some people think they need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be happy, which is kind of sad. My problem is that all the hott guys I like are Juniors and Seniors (who have obviously left now) and all the people in my class are most people I've known since 8th or 9th grade... or the freshman.. man there have been some hott freshman, and thats just weird, and totally not fair.. its like our year got skipped, haha.
LOL That's funny.
I don't get why the world puts so much on couples. It's almost like people think there's something wrong with you if you're single. But whatever.:D
um.. I don't think so... I want to go shopping.. maybe I'll see if Steph isn't busy tomorrow... I've wanted to go shopping for a while.. not that I need anything yet, lol.
Do you have any plans?
Not really. I need to go to the library and check out a book...but other than that I don't think I'm doing much of anything.:D

I'm gonna go now. *hugs* Bye. Talk to you later.:D
byeeeeeeeeeeeeee hannah

anyone on..?
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