So...Who's On Now

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Hey yall, how's everyone doing?

LOL...yeah, Frank Sinatra has been gone a long time. You know, I've never heard Declan Ben, but he looks just like Zac Effron to me from the pic in your avvy.
I asked how you're doing Zack. I haven't seen ya in a are things in your world?

Hey Happy! *Hugs*
what he just to my right......... on the other cp........ *tells him to post something*

excuses excuses he says it locked up on him
Hey there Anna! Have fun with the rain. If you have green and yellow rings, go puddle jumping...ya never know what you're gonna get.

It's ok Hannah...we're here with ya.

Zack I didn't think that you'd give in to Ben that easily. so gotta go to the convention next year...I have a feeling you could take anything and make it fun for everyone.
I would LOVE to go to the convention next year, but I'll only be 16, and my mom would be hard to convince.:rolleyes: One of these days of these days. *starts plotting to go to convention*:D
nah.......... as the phase goes "you'll have to pry my shotgun outta my cold fingers":p

just as long as i have a weapon:p

nothing nothing................ I just cracked him in the face with a bat:D
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