So...Who's On Now

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Mmmmm, pizza.:D I think I'm going to have pizza for dinner, but first things first. What do I want for lunch? RAVIOLI!!:D

I have to go for a bit. Be back later. :D
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Hey Happy and Hannah, great to see ya on as always!

Things are busy. Been voting for Paul.

Also gotta do a ton more e-mailing and letter writing for the convention. Busy, busy, busy.

A friend's band
yep the band's name is Jukebox Wagon he is so sweet I do miss him and yes he is the lead singer in the band his name is Rocky.
Hello Gandolf!:D What's up?

That's really cool Hannah.

Yes, same here Julie. And for those who don't know...VOTE FOR PAUL!!! Go to his thread "I'm a finalist" and vote vote VOTE!!:D
Hey Gandolf the Gray, good to see you in here.

Yeah really Paul is way losing to #2 again. I spent over 2 hours voting and can't do much more today without getting my stuff done, so other people are gonna have to pick up the slack for our bro and admin!
The thing is that people can vote as many times in one day as they want, and the other finalists have people voting for them nonstop! Ugh...but I can't do that all day. You'd think though with hundreds of members on here that he would be doing well...there's some of us voting which is great! Bless yall for it...any ideas how to get others interested?
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