So...Who's On Now

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I am doing wonderful! I had my day off and now I have to work the whole weekend but that's okay ;) Jeff reminded m at the laundry at my work. I have to do it everyday :D How are you doing today hannah?
Talk to you later Ili! I have to stay here and keep the others under control.:p
woot, go oomy!!!!
*puts a golden star on Oomy's forehead*
Oh I love rain.
meee too!!!
omgs we just had a small storm and got a double rainbow, ooh my gosh it was soo pretty!! When I get hte pics on my computer I'll show you guys, lol.
Well other then the sky jk :) I just finished lunch and I am preparing to do some laundry.
OH!!! I GOT YOU!!!!!!
Sorry... I'm hyper.. I got a Dr. Pepper earlier.. YES I said a Dr. Pepper!!!!
*bounces off the walls*
it depends. I usally get hyper when I start talking to people on the computer, but I haven't been talking to people really today, and I was more hyper earlier, but it was kinda starting to die so I had more Chocolate and now it's coming back.
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