So...Who's On Now

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Lots going on as usual. I turned in my Comic Con review so I'm hoping it will get put up soon. I've got tons of pics...they're way fun. I'll see if I can start posting some...maybe I'll ask first since they'll be putting them up in the article on the main page. My report was 3 pages...but it was a lot to cover.

How are you doing son?
Hey there, you're not happy at getting up at 9am? I'm up at 5:30 every day and not by choice...I gotta be for work. I wish I could sleep that late.

I gotta get going for a bit. Lord willing I'll see yall later.
aww I'm sorry Bro I was doing something yea I have to get up a 7:16 to go to work every Satuday *sigh* and when I get there theres notthing to do.
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