Soap Opera

Okay, we all know soap operas are overdramatic and completely fake. LET'S MAKE ONE OF OUR OWN.

All you need:

Age: (please be over 16)
Bio: (make it crazy and dramatic.)

The setting is a family, cousins, aunts, sisters brothers and grandparents. The whole shebang.


Name: Delia
Age: 18

Bio: Has had a hard past. Her parents died in a terrible fire and has lived with her older (half) brother, Ryan, ever since. She doesn't communicate well and becomes frustrated easily. She has had problems in the past with hurting herself and others. No one really trusts her.
Omg, a cheesy soap!! :p I never watch soaps, but... yay XD

Name: Grace Vemen
Age: 19

Bio: Grace's parents are druggies. Her little brother has cancer and is in the hospital; his aunt is the only one who can help him survive, because she's fifthly rich and kind, but what happens if she dies of the tumor they find in her brain? Then Grace with have to get her parents back to reality.

hehe this be fun I'll join

Name: Max Kings.
Bio: she is a girl that all ways being seen crying about her boyfriend breaking up with her then getting back together.
looks: she I need to find her pic.
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ooh sounds cool

Name: James
Age: 21

Bio: His fathers in jail and to get his probation money James tryed to rob a store. He got caught and was thrown into jail for 4 years. He's out now a changed man or so he says. While in prison he learnt how to shoot and kill if needed and was also told by the other inmates of which stores to rob and how to do it successfully. little did he know that the very store he tried to rob was going to come for him. His mother is dead and he lives with his aunt with his little brother and sister. Their mother died of drug abuse and thier uncle works for the wrong people taking out those who didnt need to be in earth anymore, in other words he was a hired assasin but only James knew of this. His aunt knew nothing and had an innocent job selling jewellry.

hope thats okay.
kay, I'm gonna make another char...

Name: Ryan
Age: 24

(I know it's Frank Iero. I don't care. He's too cool.)
Bio: Delia's older brother. He's troubled. He's dating a girl named "Lisa". Fathered a child, "Kylie". Kylie and Delia live with him. He doesn't trust Delia and doesn't give her any privacy, causing her to get frustrated very easily. Doesn't handle pressure well.
Ill join, geez tottyfruitty, u're char issss toooo hooooott *drools*

Name: William Grace.

age: 20


bio: His parents died at young age and he was adopted, he grew up and he thought he was the older of two boys, his younger sibling has cancer and William had just founf out he's adopted, he hates his step-parents for that but he doesnt leave his younger step-brother alone.


Name: Jane Brookes

age: 18


bio: Jane is William biological sister, but they dont know it yet. They grew up in completely diferent families, and she knew she was adopter since a very young age, but since their parents were truly death, she did nothing to find out if she had siblings of other family. What she doesnt know, if that he slight crush, William, is her brother, they live in the same neighborhood, but they dont know each other, she just likes him, but completely ignores the truth.