Soap Opera

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked offering. Been in prison for a while will do the strangest things to you and make you realise things. Max and James were always off and on and at the moment they were off and meeting to tal about their future together but sitting infront of Jane James couldnt see them having a future together.
occ: that hurt X) i mean to Max, but thats reality.

"Sure.." She smiled, she was starting to like James...He's cute..' she said in her mind, as she looked at him, with her shy smile.
ooc: Its a soap opera! what did ya expect? :p

ic:"Two cappuccinos he said to the waitress" before turning to Jane. "So whats a girl like you doing sitting alone in a cafe at this time of the day?" he asked curiously.
"A friend" James said which was technically true. "Are you new in town? Your face is not familiar and I've prety much ran into everyone at one point or another in this town" he said laughing a little.
"Kinda..." She said, since the fact she was adopted and stuff came to her mind.."Im here for my college stuff.." she smiled..."And what u're up too?..." She asked...
"I work with my dad at a garage. Pays okay so it'll do for now." he said. "What are you studying?" it was nice to have a civilised conversatiion for once.

oc: I'm off now! Bye, ttyl.
"Hey Max" James said trying to play it cool. "This is Jane" he said moving up so that Max could sit down. 'This is about to get awkward' he thought to himself.
"I just met her" James said in defense. "She accidently bumped into me and I spilled me cappuccino on my top and after that we got talking." he said looking at Max. "Jane this is Max" he said introducing them knowing very well Max was slightly angry. "I don't even get a hello" he said cutely.
The cappuccinos came and seeing as James had already bought one for Jane he decided to give his to Max. "So how've you been?" he asked her trying to loosen the tension. This was the first time he was seeing her after he had been released.
She look down her cup.
" I been working at the shop like all ways," she said playing with the cup now,
she was not looking up at himshe was so mad at him.
He could sense she was angry and felt really bad. "Thats good" he said cheerfully. "You know I've missed you" he said shyly. "I've missed everyone. It's good to be back".
She look at at him for awhile.
" Yea sure you are if you are you won't be with her right now," she said getting up and walk out of the coffe shop.

OOC: Dun dun dun.