He smiled and opened the door for her as they enetered his house. It all seemed so strange and weird to him. "James" he heard someone call out as he ws attacked by his siblings. He laughed joyfully and hugged them all.
"A sandwich would be nice" he said sitting down with his siblings. "Thanx" he added as they began to ask all kinds of questions. Tehy thought he had been on holiday all this time being young and all they were very naieve.
After he had told them about his great adventures that he had made up they left him alone and went back to playing. "Its as if I had never left" he said biting into the sandwich"aren't you having anything?" he asked watching her as she watched him eat.
ic: William and Jane had been walking around the city since they met in that unusual way..."And do u have any siblings?.." She asked him gently...William had been smiling for that while but then his smile dissappeared.."Oh sorry, maybe i said something wrong.." Jane mumbled.."No.." he said.."Its just that, my little brother its on a bad situation.." he replied trying to smile again.