Soap Opera

"I shouldnt ask, but, what kind of situation.." Jane asked again keeping her gently tone..."He...he has cancer.." William replied slowly..."He needs some special medicine I need find someway.." He said looking away...She nooded.."U can count on me if u need anything for u or ur brother.." she said nicely..."And ur parents?.." She asked...He raised his eyebrows.."Dont wanna talk about them.." He replied almost inmediatly.
ooc:they're related right?

ic: "No where" he replied looking at the time. "I think I may go pop into the shop to see aunty" he suggested grabbing jacket.
occ: yes, they're kinda dating but they dont know they're siblings. Since both were adopted on diferent families. This its soap opera so, bah. :p

ic: As they walked around the city, Jane stopped in a jewellery store, she was amazed by all in there so she stood there watching. William waited for her and as well glaced there.
ooc:Ewww :p

ic: James walked into the store looking for his aunt only to find Jane. "Just couldnt stay away" he joked walking passed her towards the till.
'Oh my gosh..' She said in her mind when he appeared.."James, why hello.." She replied shily...William wondered who he was.

ic: yeah thats why they'll almost faint when they find out :p

ic: "Hello to you too Jane" he said getting behind the counter and looking for his aunt. He was beginning to get slightly worried now. "See anything you like?" he asked her.
occ. lol :D, worried about his aunt?

ic: "Well, i was just checking around.." she said again in her cute tone..(ok if u have seen Smallville? :p).."Its everything ok?.." she asked him, she noticed him slightly worried.

William had been talking by phone moments ago.
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ooc:I live on smallville!:p haha yeah he's very cute like that.

ic: He rested his elbows on the counter leaning on it. "Nothing I can't handle" he said looking at her. "I'm not a jeweller as you can tell but that necklase" he said looking at a blue crystal neckalse "would really suit you and bring out your eyes" he added.
occ: I meant 'cute tone' srry i forgot that word in the sentence :D

ic: She smiled and blushed a little.."could I try it out..?" She asked walking closer to the counter...

occ: William left ¬_¬ its really bothering to play him right now.
He put it on her and looked at it through the mirror that ws opposite them. "Just like I said." he said pleased with himself. "So what do you think?" he asked still behind her.
He put his hands on her shoulders. "And they said men couldnt shop" he said laughing a little. Before going back behind the counter. "I think you should buy it" he urged.