Soap Opera

ooc: Lol

ic: James was a bit taken back and shocked as she walked out. "But if you.." he began before she walked out. "Excue me" he said to Jane before getting up and following her. "Max wait" he shouted after her.
"You havent changed one bit" he said watching her. " I was waiting for you but because you were slightly late I decided to get to know Jane. It doenst mean anything. She's just a friend." he said walking a little closer to her. 2It's my first day out of prison and I havent even been home yet. You're the first person I wanted to see" he said getting even closer until he was right infront of her.
Jane had been watching all the scene with her arms crossed, she just sighed...'I should have expected this..' she said looking through the window. So she finally stood up, and walked up to them.."Nice to meet u both, but i gotta go, have some things to do.." she smiled..."Bye Max, bye James.." she said with a glanced at him tha told him everything, like, hope we never meet again.
'Should have seen this coming' James thought to himself as he looked at Jane. "Nice to meet you too Jane" he said giving her a look that said 'oh we will meet again. its a small town'..
"See what you did Max" James said to her as Jane left. "You scare away all my lady friends" he said putting an arm around her shoulder.
He knudged her a little and opened the door to his car for her. While they were driving to his house he asked her"So is there anything new with you? I mean I have been away for a while and all.." he began.

ooc: thier mom is DEAD. He lives with his aunty.
Jane walked out of the store, annoyed enough. She wasnt looking where she was going, mostly. William came walking by the other way, he was thinking in a medicine he needed to get for his brother so he wasnt concentrated much in his way either. Both bumped accidently...Jane looked up, she was freezed in that instant.."Sorry.." William said.."Are u ok?.." He asked her..She nooded, slightly.."Yes, im sorry too..." she said.

occ: XD XD XD!!! LMAO!
"I've been locked up for five years Max so I'm sorry if I didn't notice you had a hair cut" he said laughing. "But it looks veyr nice" he adde dbfore she got upset.
William smiled.."I think I have seen u before.." he said.."Well this is a small town.." He added.."Im Jane, and yeah, we live in the same neighborhood.." She said quickly.."I have seen u too.." She added..."Oh, Im William.." he said holding out his hand.."Jane.." She replied shaking his hand.
occ: William was in the hospital with his sibling when Jane was talking with James in a coffee shop, then Max arrived and Jane bumped onto William on a street. Max and James are of they're way to James house, i think.
She waited for him to opened her door.
" your Aunt she thinks she could tell me what ever she wanted to," she said looking up at the mirror.