She grinned.."Ok, but just because u say it looks nice.." she said nicely.."but I truly like it.." She added lowly and grinned. She got out the money and walked up to him.
He smiled and took the cash placing it in the till and giving her the receipt. "I think your boyfriend left" he said gesturing to where William had been.
She had been totally distracted, and didnt notice.."'s not my boyfriend.." She said.."I just met him today.." she said, what was true, but she had been looking at him days ago..."Well, he left, i guess he was busy.." She said smiling at James.
ooc: but she could stop looking at his lips.ROTFL!!!! What does?
ic: "Well yeah, kinda." he began wanting to tell her that he'd been in prison for five years and was now out but didnt quite know what was going on between him and Max. "It's a complicated relationship" he finally said.
ic: He hadn't realised how close he had gotten to her and moved back a bit. 'Maybe its because I find you attractive or maybe its because you smell so good' he thought to himself. " I was actually trying to get to the shelves behind you" he lied.
ic: He shrugged. "I've spent half of my life in here watching people come in, look at stuff, ponder about whether to buy it or not and then eventually leave with more than they came in for" he said placing a bracelet, which looked exactly like the necklase, on the shelf.
Max got tired of waiting for him to come home so she went to look for him.
" were did that boy go off to this time,?" she ask herself,
when she got were he was she just glared at him.