Soap Opera

ooc: Hehe did ya have fun?? I was waiting for Janny Cho!

ic: "What the.." James began as he got pulled out of the store. "Did something happen? did that kid come back?" he asked getting angry.

occ: uhhh idk :p

ic: "I...I..." she said slowly, it was kinda hard for her in that moment.."I saw u on the news, was about a robery, and...u we're involved.." she continued when she finally raised her sight, her green eyes meeting his.."U were arrested for...4...years, and, since that thing was involved with drugs, there looking for...u...again.." she said the last part in a whisper.."Tell me thats not true.."
ooc: Haha no the police arent looking for him but the guys he got arrested!

ic: "What?" he said leaning against the wall. "Its true, all of it. The news dont lie" he began. "It's not as bad as they make it sound though".
"Nothing" he said giving her a kiss on the forehead. "hey could do you me a favour and lock up" he said not really asking her but more like a friendly command. He gave her the keys. "I'll wait for you out here" he said waiting for her to leave. He didnt want to tell Max what he was about to tell Katy, not wanting to alarm her.
ooc: Hahaha I forgot her name :p

ic: He sighed as Max left. "Well 5 years ago my father was arrested and thrown into jail for something he didnt do. He was our only support, moms gone and we had no one. Aunty is only one person and she's done enough for us already so I thought if I could get down out I could make thigns better for everyone" he said pausing wondering why he was telling her all of this. "So I decided to rob the nearest shop. I know it was wrong but I was desperate and really messed up. But with my luck I got caught and arrested resulting in a jail sentence for 5 years and as unlucky as that was on top of that I had helped the police catch a drug dealer who just happened to be doing drug business on the night that I tried to rob his shop." he finally said. "So there you go. Thats my life" he said putting his hands in his pockets and first looking at the sky then at Max and finally at Jane.
Jane was surpriced as James told her all that, she, was kinda speechless since she didnt know what to say..."And what are u going to do?.." She asked him.
ooc: No the police dont know about it. Only James and the people who are after him know. Lol it cant have made national television.

ic:"So thats where you got your info from" he began. "That happened 5 years ago and its all behind me now, behind us." he quickly added. "I better catch up with Max" he said gesturing to the now in tears girlfriend. "But thanx for gving me the heads up".
OOC: Max

ic: Max was sitting by the shop crying in treas.
ooc:Wha?? Crying in Treas? LOL sounds like trees. :p

ic: He walked up to Max. He knelt down infront of her. "You Justin Timberlakes song Cry me a river? I really think you could." he said wiping away her tears. "This has got to stop Max. You've got to stop getting upset over every little thing" he said kindly.