Soap Opera

She look back at him.
" Some lady," she said with a sigh,
she giggled shaking her head.
" I'm sorry to scare you sweetie," she said petting the bad so he can sit next to her.
"No" Leo replied. "Thats not what I was going to say. Well I thought maybe you could move in with me, seeing as you are carrying my child" he added.
OOC: Max is in the hospitel and Leo just ask her to live with him.

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ooc;Ahem technically cos I'm playing Leo I should be able to chose what he looks like.

ic: Leo smiled and hugged her taking her hand and squeezing it a little. "I'm going to weight on you 24/7" he said looking into her eyes. "Cos you're the only one that matters to me now. You and our baby" he added.

James was sitting at home when a letter came through the latter box. He got up slowly and went to pick it up. He slowly read what it said reading it twice to make sure he hadnt miss read anything. He hesistated for a second and ran out of the door.
He smiled placing his hand on her neck. "I love you Max" he said as he leaned in to kiss her but he suddenly stopped sensing the same figure he had sensed before walk passed again but this time the figure stopped creepily infront of the window in the door. Leo swung his head round just to see the figure reach his hand up showing a silent pistol. He aimed and shot in seconds and the bullet was propelling through the air at such speed. Leo saw it coming and knew where it wa sbeing aimed for. He quickly covered Max so the bullet would hit him instead of her. It tore into his back making contact with his heart. He could feel it move through his body.
Max screamed.
" Someone help," she yelled out holding Leo,
treas rolled down her cheek looking around,
" Oh Leo weak up please oh please wake up," she cried pressing the nurse button.
Leo opened his eyes slowly and slightly. He looked up at Max and smiled. With every bone in his body he reached his hand up and stroked her cheek. "Even now you are still beautiful" he managed to say before he coughed and finally closed his eyes.

James ran right passed the man who had just shot his best friend. He ran up the stairs towards Max's room but was pushed out of the way by doctors and nurses who were also running in that direction. '' he began to tell himself as he feared the worse.