Sonnets Here, In-House

For A Young Lady At A Crossroads

Like tossing coins, it seems a game of chance,
When guessing which of two approaches works
In counselling a girl who seeks romance,
And finds that facing difficulty hurts.

The habits that you needed to discard
Should be discarded, independently
Of whether others treat you soft or hard;
That much advice, at least, you'll hear from me.

Your Grandpa cannot read your boyfriend's mind,
But even if he is a mystery,
Your own mind has to break free from the bind
Of habits which don't help your sanity.

Whatever comes, please work upon your health:
Well duh, it's good for you, my little Elf!
H-K-P-M, you should read through the "Marketplace of Technique" thread; its very reason for existing is to teach writing skills. In addition, if you wish, I will join you in an exercise. You write several sentences (here on the Sonnets thread, or on the Marketplace thread) about some idea or feeling or situation or person you are thinking about; make sure that what you write contains some specific information; and then I will _show_ you, step by step, how a sonnet can be made from that!
Fatigue On A Sunday Night

Last night I felt a strong wish to compose
Another sonnet, on whatever theme.
But my creative muse was in a doze;
No matter my desire, I lacked the steam.

I was reminded by my sluggish flesh
That earthen vessels hold our God-sent gifts.
Until the spirit leaves this mortal mesh,
We're subject still to nature's tides and shifts.

One month away is Birthday Fifty-Nine,
Which sneers at the expression "young at heart;"
But whether "young" or "stubborn" is the line,
I haven't given up on poet's art.

So lemonade from lemons here you see;
Shall I write next about senility?
You're only 59? With all the "I'm old talk" I expected you to be much older... :eek:
Because of the influence of certain Kung Fu novels, my sister and I call 50-ish the prime of life... You're not past your prime, Copperfox!
An Attempt at Making Random
Talk in the Form of a Sonnet

My thanks for all attention shown to me!
The sonnet gap was caused by many things,
Like writing letters, and the wanderings
Of Facebook chats that neared eternity.

The length at which some youngsters want to chat
With "Grandpa" wears me out; I don't begrudge
The friendship, yet I must begin to judge
How long I can go on, and not fall flat.

That's why I feel so old--it's weariness,
With _none_ of it caused by romantic play.
When women won't give me the time of day,
I might as well be playing one-man chess.

Of course I find some use for solitude--
But look, it's line fourteen, I must conclude!
Haha, you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it, Coppy-sensai ^^
Thank you for your sonnets! They are an encouragment to us all.
On Seeing "Voyage"
The Second Evening

Two worlds--by nature, allies--met tonight:
My RenFest pal Samantha went with me
To see "Dawn Treader," this time in 3-D.
Great was her pleasure, but the crowd was slight.

The seven-thirty show, on Saturday!
Where were the fans to cast their money-vote?
Is this the way to keep the ship afloat?
Will Fox be taught that good work doesn't pay?

Technicians, writers, actors did their part;
But with no audience, it's all in vain.
Will we let Narnia go down the drain,
Just when Mike Apted had restored its heart?

Shall cinema forget what's good and true,
Or will the fans of Narnia come through?
Goodness Joseph, you are spot on again! We need bodies to go see and appreciate the amazing artistry of this film! (Uhhh am I preaching to the choir?)