Spam Board II

First off:

Olórin (BTW, note that I'm quite capable of banning you; I know how to type acute accents :D), just because the sky falls, doesn't mean the world is coming to an end. :rolleyes:

Second, Did you know NF used to have more smilies? (That was before my time.)

Third... well, I just put that in to make it sound better. It looks rather tacky with you just put 'first' and 'second' and then stop...don't you think? Though I understand if you don't think. Thinking is hard work. And sometimes people don't like hard work. Some people don't even like work! Of course, that's understandable, sometimes. You can get hurt working. And that's painful. I don't like pain. Pain hurts.

Who else has done their SAT? (I did mine this morning. :eek:)
I'm doing the SAT in the spring. *REALLY wishes Specter would put in a 'yuck' smiley*

Hmph! Just cuz you can type accents doesn't mean you can threaten ME!! :p

And about the sky falling: How do you know? Have you ever been standing under the sky when it fell?
How do you type acute accents?
Or the two dot things? (as in ë)

As for the sky falling: I've had it fall right on my head. It took some time for them to dig me out, but it didn't feel too bad.
I'm doing the SAT in the spring. *REALLY wishes Specter would put in a 'yuck' smiley*

Hmph! Just cuz you can type accents doesn't mean you can threaten ME!! :p

And about the sky falling: How do you know? Have you ever been standing under the sky when it fell?

My sis took the SAT two days ago. have u take it before?
Now I'm back to my
mood. :D :p

And some nice quotes...
"I'm going to write a book one day called: What men know about women. It's gonna have a cover and blank pages." - Pat Mesiti
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. - Albert Einstein
“Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves.” Zig Ziglar
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thats great. :]

i like spam.
not real spam.
internet spam.
real spam = BAD
&& bad for u. :]

ahhaha a my friend is funny on webcam :]]]]
she's like...dancing. and singing.