Sparrow and Turner- anyone??

Except when Narnia came out, I've never been this crazy over one film for so long. Maybe it's because I was forbidden to watch it, and I"m getting my fill of it, even though it's mine. :rolleyes:
And Elizabeth shouting at them.

"This is barbaric! this is no way for grown men to set....oh fine! Let's just haul out our swords and start banging away at each other. That will solve everything. I've had it! I've had it with wobbly-legged, rum-soaked, pirates!!!!"
And then: "Oh. Oh! The heat!" (she falls over, then opens one eye. Then, sits up and crosses her arms and legs until she sees Ragetti and Pintel taking the chest.)
Well....... with all the fans for Star Wars and Lord of the Rings... I thought Pirates of the Caribbean shouldn't be left out.

(notice that I didn't say *coughfangirlscough*) LOL

Oh, come on....................... doesn't anyody like them?

Lady Larien
Mrs. Obi-Wan Kenobi
oxford girl
Mrs Gil-Galad Took

*raises hand* I'm one! I've only watched TBP but I ♥ it! I haven't seen DMC :( and have to wait till it comes out on DVD over here :rolleyes: