Star Trek: Voyager

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Harry sighed he sensed somehing was wrong with Kara. he looked at a fewa of the other Crew members He fought the urge to panic but Kara broke him of that. He took deep breths and reached down to find calm in the Force he used the Force to emphzize his voice.

"Any of you that have medical experience get to Cargo bay 1 and two on Voyager and on the Sun we have to treat these others and get them to Naboo safe. He tried to nudge Kara thru there bond in the Force he couldn't reach her.
"Chakotay okay fine just be careful Petra I I Love and i don't want to lose you. I think we are meant to be Petra i feel it." He touched her shoulder. He felt a jolt pass between them he ignored it and passed it off as static electricity

Must be really dry in here he thought. He started towards the archives and Cadeus cornered him in the hallway.

Petra ran to her quarters and rummaged through the closet. She tapped on the wall until she found what she was looking for: a secret panel. In it was a trunk that some of her most prized possessions were hidden in. She pulled it out and opened the trunk's lid. She pulled out several items and made sure the book were in the bottom of the trunk. she replaced the other items and tapped her commbadge, attaching a third transporter device to the trunk. Kenobi to Voyager, lock onto this signature and beam it directly to my quarters.

Tom: It's not a person, Commander.

Petra: I know that, Tom. Just beam it back to Voyager, okay? Kenobi out.

Tom shrugged and looked at Tuvok. Energize.

Once Petra knew the trunk was on Voyager, she replaced the panel and made her way down to the archives.
Cadeus came after chakotay Chakotay ducked and dived lauching into a backflip and landed on his feet he tried to shove cadues Back.

Cadeus fell back slightly "Your so confident Chakotay but you don't know the first thing about the Force. If i kill you I would not have to worry about the JEdi genration continugin the future Grand MAster is already down I took her be stronger with Anakin's and Luke Skywalker's blood in her but as soon as she felt her fears she froze like a child with a monster under the bed. Ha some grand master she will turn out to be.
Cadues KEnobi not unitl all the future Jedi knights and Masters are killed or done away with i started with the future grand master and your friend her chakotay will be next then you. Cadues glared at petra with his dark orange eyes.
Petra: not if I have anything to say about it She raised her hand and used the Force to lower the gate that separated the archives from the rest of the temple; she raised the other one that separated her and Chakotay from him, trapping Caedus in-between. She secured the locks with force fields.
Cadeus kenobi you will pay for this

Chakotay thanks Skywalker your right i can't fight him i am not strong enough yet How do we copy these archives so we can get them itno the ships computer. Where is harry when we need him.
She handed Chakotay two tricorders. Petra: there are 2 archive computers. Connect these and uplink them to Voyager. They should be able to download everything into the computer's database on board. One computer is the records of the entire Temple, the other is for the healing rooms and more minor areas. Get as much as possible.
Chaokatay connected the tricorders and started the up link cadeus tried to block them Chakotay shoved him back and encase him into a forcefield come on come on

Harry Kara wake up

Kara: Don't let them hurt me don't let them hurt mom or dad Kara's face was white and more paler then usual.

Harry: Easy Kara i am here he stroked her hair your okay Cadues is just using your fears aginst you. Your stronger then your fears Come on focus on my voice you can beat this Kara we need you and chakotay and Petra are still on the surface. there are getting the information from the computers before the temple blows. We need to beat him you need to beat him your a Master KAra you can do this.
Kara : I Know harry but

Harry No Buts Kara you have to get Chakotay and Petra out of there where is the strong powerful girl i love Kara this mission is yours Starfleet commnad is couting on you. Chakotay seceded it to you Don't listen to your fears Kara we accomplished it all except the final stage. Don't let cadues win now. If you let your fears best you you will never make your destiny Kara. or for the twins that are in your womb right now Keri and Kris .

Cadues in a matter of a half hour my troops are serching for anymore refugees and i found you two so your mine. Cadues laughed evilly
Chakotay we have about 50 minutes left on one and the smaller computer we have everyhing he pocketed the one tricorder that had the healing and the smaller information in his pocket.

Chaktoay to voyager "Tom are you getting all the uploads incorporate them into Voyagers and the sun's computer and prepare to lift off if we are not back tell Kara to leave wihtout us. We have about a hour left before the temple blows.

Jacen stroaked a button under his Dark cloak that would set the c4 off that he planted in the tunnels that he will blow the temple to bits.
Petra: We won't be able to get all of it, Chakotay.

Tom: yes, we're receiving the uplink. And it's already downloaded into the database. We'll transfer the information to the Sun once you both are back on board.

Petra: Chakotay we need to get out of here.
Chakotay Petra Kara would want us to get all of it

cadues hit the button under his cloak

Kara : Harry get a lock on Petra and Chakotay a explosive was just activated

Harry Kara i am trying

Lt Redmond : Captain Kim there is a figure in a black cloak hailing us.

Kara: Put him through Dinah Cadues you messed with the wrong Jedi when you messed with me. Kara Green blue eyes were like ice. Now your trapped and your legacy ends here let my friends go You will not win this cadues we have almost all of the database from the archives and someday i am going to rebuild this but not here.

Harry i got them i think there is some interfenrce but i got a sketal lock on them beam them up.

Chakotay : petra i almost have it all.
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chakotay tapped a few buttons it came across the screen uplink cancelled The trasnporter took them.

Luke grabbed Leia's hand run Petra got Harry and Kara out of there we need to get back to the ship.

Luke tapped his comm badge that Kara gave him Skywalker to Sun two to beam up.

chief Gordon: We read you skywalker energizing now.
chakotay set the tricorder on the pad and caught Petra in his arms and gently picked her up without effort.

Tom here is the rest of the stuff i downloaded he handed tom the tricorders

Kara walked down to deck 8 Everyone here.

Chakotay yes Captain Kim we are all here Luke and Leia are on your ship kara let a tear escape her eyes when she saw smoke rising from the JEdi temple

Harry: Kara its up to you now to rebuild the temple and the academy now Kara leaned against Harry and cried.

Kara: tom get us out of here
tom took the tricorder from Chakotay and nodded at Kara. Ensign Spur: we're in the lower atmosphere. Everything's normal.

Tom: is she okay? he looked at petra in chakotay's arms
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