Gentle Voice
Active member
OOC: SIS I reply to you.
"good i need some help with sickbay since now i dont have a nurse " he walked over to crew member with bad burns " treat him i have maore pressing matters " he walked over to a crew member with internel bleeding and used some hyprospray and quick hands to stop the bleeding
Harry watching Kara's quick hands and how well she handled the engines Harry was dropping his tools and messing up stuff he usualyl has very much under control.
Kara (walked over to him and picked up the hydrospanner harry dropped and handed it to him there hands touched and Harry was immeasurably even more flushed) Ensign are you okay your flushed and you are very clumsy are you sure you know what your doing Ensign. I think Kenobi wants both of you in the Briefing room she just made a announcement.
Harry: Yeah i am fine Kara I mean commander just a little nervous. (Harry drew himself up to a full height) I had top markings in Ships operations and warp theory and aced Quantum Theory So i do know what i am doing with all do respect Commander Skylar. Come on Paris we do not want to Keep Lt Kenobi or Captain Janeway waiting.
Kara: Oh come off it Ensign its written all over your face Your in love with someone or maybe even me.
Harry walked out of Cargo bay 1 and headed towards the Turbolift to go to the briefing room.
Kathryn: Now that we are all here i have to things i want to discuss First this array that threw us all for a battle and caused injuries I see no other option but to destroy this array to prevent even more damages to this Sector of space or the ocamapan inhabiter's of it I am aware of the risk this might cost the guardian of this wormhole but i am sure this crew can handle what is thwon at us. My officer and trusted friend Petra Kenobi and I came to this decision
Chaktoay: Captain with all do respect the array is not going to go anywhere and what is there to be gained by destryoing it.
RULES: *very important!*
no graphic violence or senseless killing of RP characters
no swearing or crude language
no sexual innuendo
no implication of sexual activity
no stealing of other RP characters unless someone has revoked his\her character and no longer wishes to be a part of the RP
Please stay within the parameters of the RP *in other words, no mixing RPs* and if you want, you may use lines and plotlines from different episodes of Voyager. For now, though, we're starting from season 1, episode 1, "The Caretaker" and so on. To do us all a favor, though, Skylasue and myself have decided that you must have seen at least the first 3-4 seasons of Voyager in order to participate; this saves confusion on both your part and our part. However, if you have followed every ST series and you know a lot about Voyager's episodes without watching them, you're free to play.
if you have to be away for more than a day,please let myself or SKylasue know via PM, or here on the thread. If you're away where a lot of activity has happened, then Skylasue, myself, or another RP member will be happy to tell you what's been happening; however, if there's only been one to two pages added since your last visit, please, read through those pages to catch up; it wastes people's time when you aren't willing to read through two-three pages on your own. Thanks.
Janeway now if any one else has objections let me know dismissed.
Mr Paris set a course bring us out of warp in firing range and fire when we arrive there LT. Do it