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The Dark Side is strong with this one:


The Acolyte Trailer
The Acolyte is rather concerning in that the Sith are saying, “It’s not about good or evil, its about power and who gets to use it.”

One commentor says this sounds like something Sauron would say. But because this series is from The Sith point of view, the creators have opted to paint the Darksiders as underdogs, as if they have been opressed by the Jedi. This could tie into The Legions of Lettow, the first Dark Jedi who were genocided by Jedi.

Much controversy is swirling around this series because the Jedi are the antagonists, and we are getting the perspective of Darkness. However, there is a literary tradition: John Milton’s Paradise Lost is from Satan’s perspecfive, and C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters is a conversation of two demons. If The Acolyte lets viewers see the dark side lens but they ultimately remain with the impression that the Sith are evil, then no harm done. The concern however, is that Sith are using abolitionist & revolutionary language, and that this could end up justifying evil deeds if it means to rise up and take your place in the galaxy.

I shall reserve judgement till the series is released and view it.
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The real world is never simple. Vichy France head of state Petain drew large welcoming crowds on his visit to Paris just months before the Normandy landings.
Indeed people want to do good and do bad instead:

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:15-25)

Shorter version:
“Jesus said, ..the spirit is willing, but the flesh (law of sin, sinful flesh) is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)

Jesus has suffered for our sins and has forgiven them, “And He [that same Jesus Himself] is the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours alone but also for [the sins of] the whole world,” (1 John 2:2), and “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

If we are to stop letting sin reign over our behavior and deeds, we have to suffer by fighting it/ resisting it: “Not yet have you resisted unto blood, struggling against sin,” (Hebrews 12:4) and “Christ, then, having suffered for us in [the] body, do *ye* also arm yourselves with the same mind; for he that has suffered is done with sin.” (1 Peter 4:1). This resisting sin is not to save our souls, Jesus did that, or merit heaven, but to be regenerated, to stop the behaviors that bring sorrow and pain to others and oursleves.

The Jedi have a similiar belief system. The dark side in place of sin and the flesh. They resist the dark side because of the pain and sorrow it brings into the galaxy, look at Darth Vader he slayed Younglings in Revenge of the Sith and physically abuses people like Padme, Imperial Officers, and women in the Kenobi Series. Trying to justify a monster like him, that he has a “certain point of view,” opens the door fo accepting cruelties and bad behavior. Which is the concern about The Acolyte, that it will justify evil.
Indeed people want to do good and do bad instead:

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:15-25)

Shorter version:
“Jesus said, ..the spirit is willing, but the flesh (law of sin, sinful flesh) is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)

Jesus has suffered for our sins and has forgiven them, “And He [that same Jesus Himself] is the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours alone but also for [the sins of] the whole world,” (1 John 2:2), and “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

If we are to stop letting sin reign over our behavior and deeds, we have to suffer by fighting it/ resisting it: “Not yet have you resisted unto blood, struggling against sin,” (Hebrews 12:4) and “Christ, then, having suffered for us in [the] body, do *ye* also arm yourselves with the same mind; for he that has suffered is done with sin.” (1 Peter 4:1). This resisting sin is not to save our souls, Jesus did that, or merit heaven, but to be regenerated, to stop the behaviors that bring sorrow and pain to others and oursleves.

The Jedi have a similiar belief system. The dark side in place of sin and the flesh. They resist the dark side because of the pain and sorrow it brings into the galaxy, look at Darth Vader he slayed Younglings in Revenge of the Sith and physically abuses people like Padme, Imperial Officers, and women in the Kenobi Series. Trying to justify a monster like him, that he has a “certain point of view,” opens the door fo accepting cruelties and bad behavior. Which is the concern about The Acolyte, that it will justify evil.

Real-life evil doesn't have fangs and claws. The evil comes towards you with a smiling face. Charming law student Ted Bundy. Dorky looking and nerdy Jeffrey Dahmer. Children's clown and local community activist John Wayne Gacy.

The Acolyte is rather concerning in that the Sith are saying, “It’s not about good or evil, its about power and who gets to use it.”
That message really is the Disney way. How many movies have they come out with turning the villain into just a misunderstood or previously wronged person seeking vengeance? The simplicity of good vs evil in story telling is being diluted with the idea that being evil is a matter of perception, no hard reality to it. Should Disney take on Narnia with some attempt at original stories I am sure you would see some back story for Jadis and how she was just an innocent girl and after a serious of horrible events that made her powerful and strong and justified her evil.
The list is also missing Rogue One. This is the only Star Wars I can stomach now. I LOVED Star Wars as a kid, now I can barely stomach it with the new writing, and find the old still fun but not all that appealing. The series did not age well to me, not in the same way the original Indiana Jones movies did.
Those who think that the only way for Luke Skywalker NOT to be "impossibly perfect" was for him to become 100 percent gutless, clueless and useless until the last five minutes of Episode 8, are free to like what they like. But it is NOT ONLY "toxic males" who are pushing back against the politically- correct narrative that all women are better than all men at everything.

There is a WOMAN on Youtube who is now pushing back against the feminist-witches-can- do-no-wrong theme of "The Acolyte." She calls herself "That Star Wars Girl." I give no link to her videos, because naughty words may be uttered. But what's REALLY naughty is a case of brazen lying which Star Wars Girl exposes. The deliberate lie she has lately refuted is the pretense that "The Acolyte" failed only because patriarchal cavemen "can't stand seeing ANY WOMAN EVER being depicted as powerful." As the griping feminists themselves all really know, strong women have already appeared in cinema for almost the entire time there has BEEN any cinema. (For instance, the fighter pilot Wilma Deering in the Buck Rogers serial BEFORE World War Two; and has anybody here ever watched the Terminator movies or "Babylon Five"?)

Fanatics who want us to believe that women "are only just barely starting to get a teeny bit of respect" in movies and TV, are guilty of what Mister Lewis called "rushing about with fire extinguishers when there is a flood."
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Death Star ROTJ:

"You can not hide forever Luke." Vader said.

"I will not fight you." Luke whispered back.

"Give yourself to the Dark Side, it is the only way you can save your friends." Vader taunted hunting for his son under the metal catwalk.

Luke tried his best to hide his feelings on his friends on Endor and what was happening to them. Nevertheless, he felt Vader press hardly on his mind. Luke could not hide his feelings any longer from Vader.

"Yes, yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for....." Vader paused searching his son for the answer he was looking for. "Sister? Sister."

Vader smirked behind his mask as he found the key to what would turn Luke to the dark side.

"So you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her too.

Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side then perhaps she will." Vader declared.

That was too much for Luke, as he screamed in outrage "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


Melting Pit Naboo TPM:

Qui-Gon started to meditate as the Sith Lord paced impatiently in front of him, separated by the deadly red laser wall of the melting pit. He started gathering the Force into him as he preparing for battle. Obi-Wan still at the first wall, was waiting to join his Master against the Sith Lord. Qui-Gon activated his green lightsaber jumping to the offence as the Sith was caught off guard and took to defensive stance against

Obi-Wan raced down the corridor to catch up with Qui-Gon. He skidded to a stop as the final laser wall cut him off from his master. Darth Maul quickly became on the offensive as the older Jedi was getting tired after much intense fighting. Obi-Wan watched helpless as the Sith was gaining ground in the duel. The Sith found a hole in Qui-Gon's defence and hit his chin to throw him off balance before the killing blow.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Obi-Wan screamed realising what was about to happen to his master. But he wasn't there any more, a young man not much younger than himself was in place of Qui-Gon.

Luke not knowing what was going on, just that he was about to be struck down by a Sith Lord blocked the potentially killing blow. Maul was clearly confused; he was just fighting with the older Jedi. A younger, but not the apprentice had taken his place. No matter, Maul thought to himself as long as I kill a Jedi I will be happy. As he started to attack Luke hard, the laser walls started to cycle again, Obi-Wan decided to help the man who was in his Master's place, for he could know what happened to him. He ignited his lightsaber and went to join in the fight.


Death Star ROTJ:

He should be dead by now, that blow from the Sith Lord should have killed him. But it didn't which disturbed him greatly but he had no time for that now as a new yet vaguely familiar Dark Lord stood in front of him. All in black clad armor with a red lightsaber lit and ready for battle.

"Who are you, old man?" Vader rasped shocked to see some one other than his son in front of him and a person who was clearly a Jedi Knight.

Qui-Gon got chilled as he felt the two dark presences in the room. The more evil one was elsewhere.

"Qui-Gon Jinn" Qui-Gon simply replied.

"Are you a Jedi Knight?" Vader asked.

"Actually a Jedi Master to be accurate. Why are you asking?" Qui-Gon asked buying him time from fighting who ever this was. He was so familiar but he couldn't figure out who it was.

Vader was slightly stunned, he recognised the man's face but didn't know from where. He killed so many; faces became a blur to him. But that name, he remembered who this man was.

His weaker self Anakin Skywalker was devastated after he died. He was never close to Obi-Wan for he tried to have him push aside the support that Qui-Gon provided.

"You must focus on the present my young Padawan. Don't dwell on the past. Keep your focus here and now where it belongs. " Obi-Wan told him time after time.

He remembered the first time he met Qui-Gon, saving, who was it. No matter it was on Tatooine the day before he won the Boonta Eve race. Remembering Qui-Gon's smiling face telling him he was no longer a slave.

Qui-Gon felt like buckets of ice water were poured over him, he now knew who this evil man was. "Ani?
The Melting Pit Naboo TPM:

The clash-hiss the tell tale sound of lightsabers slamming against each other was heard through out the melting pit, as Luke engaged Maul Obi-Wan closely following him. Maul relished the thought of killing two Jedi, his Master would be displeased that he lost killing the Master Jedi but killing two apprentices would be just as good.

We will soon have our revenge against the Jedi, they will fall as the Sith would rise in all of its glory. Maul thought with a twisted smile as he continued his assault.

The molten blades emitting sparks of protest against the strain of the battle that was shaking the casing of the power jewel. Twirling his double-ended lightsaber, Maul pivoted as he slashed at both Luke and Obi-Wan. The lightsabers hummed in the short silence as Maul and Luke started circling each other, Obi-Wan's muscles taunt ready for battle once they started fighting once more.

Luke made the first move cutting squarely at the Sith's chest, the move was blocked before any damage could be done to Darth Maul. Luke flipped over Maul as the Sith prepared to execute a blow that would surly kill the young man. Obi-Wan slashed at Maul's head in retaliation, Maul just barley blocking the assault before it could decapitate him. All three men started pressing harder against each other all wanting the fight to end each for their own reasons.

Obi-Wan jumped dodging Maul's low sweep at his feet. The Sith jumped high and somersaulted over the two young Jedi's head as he landed he twirled his lightsaber taunting the men as if saying 'Here I am, come and get me!' as he saw the laser walls of the Melting pit started to cycle once more.

Both Luke and Obi-Wan sensed what the Sith was planning to do and flipped over Darth Maul's head to block, his only exit. Maul snarled at the Jedi silently cursing Luke and Obi-Wan for blocking his way only way to destroy the queen and get back to his Master, Darth Sidious. As Maul's anger grew and the battle dragged on longer Luke's patient's started to faultier, as it did with Vader.

Maul snickered as he faked to the left side of Luke. Luke hesitated slightly not sure if he should meet Maul's lightsaber where he indicated. Maul took Luke's ever so slight moment of hesitation to hit him in the face with the hilt of his lightsaber.

Obi-Wan immediately recognizing the move the Sith Lord used against his Master he blocked the blow that would have surly killed Luke. Ironically, the same move that would have killed Qui-Gon had his Master stayed at the Melting Pit a second longer.

Snarling Maul slashed at the two Jedi with such a fury of passionate hatred that he almost got himself killed in his blind frenzy. Luke realized that both him and the young man next to him were quickly gaining ground which he now knew for sure a Sith Lord, and the battle was soon going to be over.

Looking at Obi-Wan he feinted to the left which gave the only open window for Obi-Wan to kill the Sith Lord. He took it and cut Maul's head off. The Sith Lord crumpled to the ground of the Melting Pit. Both men looked at each other as the turned off their blades'.

"Who are you?" Obi-Wan and Luke asked each other at the same time.


Death Star ROTJ:

"Ani?" Qui-Gon asked shocked, lightsaber still lit sensing he was in fact right at his guess.

"I am Darth Vader, the name, Anakin Skywalker, means nothing to me." Vader rasped sourly.

Shocked that his son, Luke, was no longer standing in front of him, and a man at least sixty years of age was now in front of him had taken his place. With dark hair shoulder length now graying. Ruby red lightsaber still ignited, eyes glaring at Qui-Gon from underneath his black metal mask.

"You were so sweet, innocent, kind and helpful." Qui-Gon continued stubbornly, not wanting the new Sith the former Anakin Skywalker to gain any advantage before the duel, he now sensed would happen in the near future.

"You WERE the chosen one!" Qui-Gon said stubbornness showing.

Mind flashing back to the Jedi Council meeting, he was at about the boy only a few days ago. He remembered how they denied the boy to be trained, and him saying he would take Anakin as his Padawan learner. Obi-Wan's feeling of betrayal of the statement and the council ordering him back to Naboo to chase after the Sith.

Clouded this boy's future is. Yoda informed him on the last day he was on Coruscant before he and Obi-Wan left for Naboo.

"Master Qui-Gon?" Vader asked clearly puzzled.

He's been dead for nearly forty years. Vader thought to himself silently.

"Anakin Skywalker was weak! I am more powerful then he ever was been!" Vader snapped breaking Qui-Gon's train of thought.

"You will not survive me, old man, I am much more powerful than you are." Vader hissed.

"Are you so sure about that?" Qui-Gon asked an eyebrow raised questioning Vader.

"That I am, Master Qui-Gon," Vader challenged mocking Qui-Gon.

Both men went to the first position stance raising their lightsabers. Vader twirled his saber and started attacking, Qui-Gon who just as quickly blocked the blow against him. Qui-Gon started pressing Vader out from under the catwalk were both men had to duck slightly due to their height.

The Emperor was sitting on his throne over looking the space battle between his forces and the Rebel fleet. He noticed a disturbance in the Force immediately and turned to see.

It was no longer young Skywalker on the Death Star, but the Master Jedi, whom his first apprentice killed many years ago. Of course the same Master Jedi's Padawan then killed Darth Maul in return. However, that was some forty years earlier.

How could he possibly be here now? He should be dead. the Emperor wondered.

His lip started to curl upward as he got angry at the thought of the past and at the struggle Master's Jedi had. If not for Obi-Wan Kenobi he would have destroyed the teachings of the Jedi ways forever, and he would still have young Luke Skywalker as a Sith Lord. Young Skywalker would have been perfect to replace his aging father as his next apprentice.

"Lord Vader! What is going on?" the Emperor roared with venom in his voice.

The Emperor sensed his right hand started dueling with the Jedi Master. His cold amber eyes bore at the catwalk where the duel was taking place. The Emperor allowed a wicked grin to spread across his face, revealing his damaged yellow teeth.

"Good, good Lord Vader, destroy him." the Emperor whispered urging his apprentice on as he continued to fight.

Both men emerged from under the catwalk Qui-Gon the obvious dominant person of the fight. Darth Vader started unsuccessfully pressing against Qui-Gon. Vader sensed it would be futile to try to get a offensive position at the moment while Qui-Gon still had a significant amount of stamina.

I will be patient, so I can destroy the Jedi once and for all. Vader thought silently to himself as he continued his assault.

Qui-Gon sensed the Emperor while he was combating Vader, sensing there was something-deathly wrong about the situation. The man was shockingly in-tuned with the Dark Side more so than anyone he'd ever sense before, even Xanthos his former Padawan learner and even more so than the tattooed face Sith that he had battled earlier.

As Qui-Gon pivoted to meet Vader's deadly molten blade at his left side he pressed harder to gain some space between him and his advisory. He slashed at Vader's left side a move that was blocked as soon as it was executed.

Qui-Gon started to feel a light strain in his lungs, much like he felt in the melting pit on Naboo. He centered himself even more in the Force as he used the it to drive the strain he was feeling away, and started focusing on his current predicament.

Vader started at the old man who was becoming more and more tired as time wore on, and he Darth Vader Lord of the Sith was just getting started. This day would prove to be very pleasing to both him and his Master.

Soon they were in the full view of Emperor Palpatine, who was grinning wickedly as he saw the old man and thought of what he would do to him if he survived the battle he was now engaged in with Lord Vader.

Qui-Gon twirled to meet Vader's lightsaber as it was brought down close to his abdomen. Sweat formed on Qui-Gon's head and some of it started to trickle down his forehead. Qui-Gon took a quick breath and tried to center himself in the Force which was becoming more and more of a challenge, do to the fact he was losing his energy faster than he did before.

Here's the man that taught the apprentice that killed Darth Maul, though it is odd Lord Maul should of killed this Qui-Gon Jinn. He was surly capable of it. He was the best Sith at fighting with his 'saber. Sure the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn had been the Jedi but he was old and becoming weak. In addition to that the power of the Dark Side was much more powerful that that of the Light Side.

The Emperor reflected to himself as he enjoying the duel. In addition, he was also amused at the battle in space; he could see the futile efforts of the Rebel Alliance against his mighty fortress. He would crush them once and for all with the might of this Death Star he thought to himself. He watched as the rebellion's fighters got closer to the Death Star but with no chance of destroying it. He was enjoying himself immensely, immensely indeed.