Story Lucy was reading/Jesus story in Narnia?

It could be symbolic or even a retelling of the Easter story.

THE GOBLET: The cup used at the Last Supper
THE SWORD: The sword that Peter used in Gesthemane
THE TREE: The cross that Jesus died on
THE GREEN HILL: The garden tomb that Jesus was laid in
I think that a bit of a stretch, but it's not infeasible that Lewis had something like that in mind. As an author myself, I know there are times I just put things in a story without any attempt at underlying or hidden meaning. It's just intended to add a touch of authenticity. I think the thing that's interesting about the story is that the content swiftly faded from her mind. The effect was accomplished - the refreshment of her spirit - but she wasn't allowed to retain it. Possibly this foreshadows (or aftershadows - I'll have to check publication dates) some of Ransom's experiences on Perelandra, such as stepping into one of the nectar bubbles. He was "allowed" to experience it randomly when he inadvertantly stepped into one of them, but he wasn't allowed to go looking for them to reproduce the experience.
PrinceOfTheWest said:
I think that a bit of a stretch, but it's not infeasible that Lewis had something like that in mind. As an author myself, I know there are times I just put things in a story without any attempt at underlying or hidden meaning. It's just intended to add a touch of authenticity. I think the thing that's interesting about the story is that the content swiftly faded from her mind. The effect was accomplished - the refreshment of her spirit - but she wasn't allowed to retain it. Possibly this foreshadows (or aftershadows - I'll have to check publication dates) some of Ransom's experiences on Perelandra, such as stepping into one of the nectar bubbles. He was "allowed" to experience it randomly when he inadvertantly stepped into one of them, but he wasn't allowed to go looking for them to reproduce the experience.
Actually, it could be possible. Aslan is Jesus, and pretty much the stuff that was from the bible is told over and over again. Also, the things of Narnia have not been silent ever since they hit the shelves.
I think the story really was that Easter Story. It said so in a book called "The Magical World of Narnia: A Treasury of Myths and Legends" by David Colbert. :D

C.S. Lewis was pretty religous, so maybe there's a possibility that that was it.

I had heard that about the hill, cup, tree and sword referencing the Easter story. The thing is: Lucy would have recognized and remembered the Easter story. It was probably just a really great story, and maybe it also had symbols which pointed to Jesus -- the way CON is a really great story, but also has symbols which point us to Jesus.
Could the hill posibly have something to do with the green hill past the western waste. because earlier in the story Eustace is bathed in a well on a hill which i believe is the same. also aslan mentions that he is going to tell that story to trumpkin the dwarf whom is in charge while caspian is away
i'm not sure if someone already posted this, but maybe it could be forshadowing to VotDT/LB....Like, he's telling her what the Real Narnia looks like....or that she's going to visit it twice (later on in VotDT and in LB)...:)
Jesus story in Narnia?

I was reading VotDT and I came upon this paragraph when Lucy started to forget the story she liked so much.

Note: All important key words will be in italics.

'"Oh, what a shame!" Said Lucy. "I did so want to read it again. Well, at least I must remember it again. Let's was about...about... oh dear, it's all fading away again. And even this last page is going blank. This is a very queer book. How can I have forgotten? It was about a cup and a sword and a tree and a green hill. I know that much. But I can't remember and what shall I do?"

Well, everybody knows Aslan has a Christian theme and same with Narnia itself. But I re-read this part and came upon an amazing conclusion for anti-Narnia people:

the cup is the cup (AKA Holy Grail in King Arthur) that Jesus drank during the Last Supper.

The sword is what Peter used to cut the servant's ear off.

The tree is what was the cross

The green hill was where Jesus died while on the cross.

Now unless somebody has discovered this, let's just say it was unknown.
♠magic1♠ said:
what does merge mean? put together?
LOL, yes, put together.

There were two threads on this same subject, so I ran them together and now they read like one thread. iMerge!
very smart.
other mods *cough* would just delte this one,but merging is better cuz htey have somewhat different topics.

ok i'm non-christian so i'm totally against the "jesus was crusified" thing, but i get it except for the part where i says its a beuatidufle story