Stuck - airport

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Alice took a deep breath and then climbed up after him. She poked her head out and looked at the others. "You can't stand there all day, you know," she said.
"Hold on, hold on! Not all at once! The vents might collapse! Just keep a couple feet away from the person in front of you!"
"Hey, you all are sure that you haven't seen a guy named Edmund around here somewhere? He's my brother-in-law, and we haven't seen him since we got off the plane."
Alice shook her head. "I was even keeping an eye out for him because Hannah asked me to, and I didn't see him; even after walking back to where everyone else was."
"I keep telling myself that nothing bad happened to him;" Rich said, quietly enough that Hannah wouldn't hear; "But I don't know if he made it off the plane."
" Someone calling us," she told her, looking around " No one is with us," she told them, confuse.

" Hey over here!," A male voice called out.
Rich listened, then found a vent that led towards the voice. "This way!" He cried. "It's coming from here!"
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