Stuck - airport

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OOC:ATTENTION being the author of this thread and greatly enjoying the progress
I feel like adding something else.
Please ignore any other post except for this at teh moment.
- aka
ignore Lonny

Um right that thing you see is the corpse of a certain person (hint: think ...administration...plane) and someone else next to him (hint: CO) :)
ooc :I edited it...ha it posted at the wrong time
Go ahead

look it's easy you see a corpse - a badly mutilated corpse of a former character
and with him another former character.
you are in risk of getting killed yourself
Skandar: here we are
Kaori: Oh no!!! *looks at dead body then buries her head into skandar's chest so she can't see:
Skandar: who is that? i think i have seen them before....
Alice shook her head. "I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he led them right to us. He always acted like he had something up his sleeve."
"Well, even he did know about the aliens before this, I don't think anyone deserves to have... this happen to them." Rich shook his head, sadly.
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