superhero world

GeNtLe SuSaN said:
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!?" *fireball appears in her hand out of mere frusteration.(hehe I'm evil)
(lol) ''i may be sidecick but at least my dad isnt in jail.''
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
The fireball got bigger. "You don't know?! How could you not know? Your his son! Do you not know HOW my father got into jail?"
''i know how he got in jail. THE COMMANDER''.
"Yes, but do you not know why he was thrown into jail?" she asked. (ahhh crap, I can't remember!! dang it..I'n gonna have to make something So bear with me hrere...)
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
"Yes, but do you not know why he was thrown into jail?" she asked. (ahhh crap, I can't remember!! dang it..I'n gonna have to make something So bear with me hrere...)
''yes i know why he was put in jail''. (i forgot too)
office said:
''then what is it''?

(i can't remember swuat) " It was my mother. He ws bringing hr to the hospital, when she died. HE got.......frusterated, and fireballs just went everywhere. HE didn't mean to destroy the city." she said. "BUt, I will revenge my father. NO matter what."