Susan Marries Rabadash


New member
What would have happened if she would have married him? I'm just curious. If Rabadash was so obsessed with her, why didn't he take her?

I think it would have made the battle of Anvard much better, if Lucy and Edmund were fighting for thier sister, instead of the Calormene army in general...

Susan/Rabadash.... hmm.......
Rabadash would have a really important hostage if he married Susan. He could threaten to kill her if Narnia attacked. It would have been a much more emotional battle if the siblings were fighting for each other.
How would being married fit with the whole go back to earth as a kid thing? That would be really weird.
It did not happen. I believe that Lewis had a reason for what he did in the books. What sort of a life would poor Susan have had to lead with that pouty, two-faced, spoiled prince? Susan was to independant to live with him without iccurring difficulty, she might have even ended up killed because she did something to displease him.
I think that he didn't want to make her a fool in this book as well as in the end when she is ocupied with the ways of world and being in fashionable socioty. :)
Rabadash did plan to capture Susan and force her to marry him. How he feels about her is just twisted.

When he visited Cair Paravel, he seemed to be a nice guy. Even Susan was impressed. When Susan and Edmund visit Tashbaan, she began to have second thoughts about marrying Rabadash.

Then there's even a whole chapter about what he plans to do: conquer Archenland, then on to Cair Paravel, and capture Susan, and ride back to Anvard.

If Susan had marry Rabadash, well given how in the upper class society of Calormen, Rabadash would have been a controlling husband. Tisrocs, princes, and tarkaans have been known to treat their wives and daughters and possibly sisters as nothing more than property.
I managed, at great effort, to filch one of her letters home from the alternative universe where she married him. She sounds happy:
"Dear Family, I am fine, the economy is fine, and life under our Glorious Tisroc (may he live forever!) is wonderful in every aspect. I wish you would believe me. In fact, I urgently beg you to believe me, because if you don't....I'll be very...disappointed...among other things."
If Susan had married Rabadash, there would have been only three Pevensies coming home, not all four. Which would have subjected Peter, Lucy, and Edmund to grilling about their "gone missing" sister, and whether she was still alive or not. Police, family strife, heartbreak, more police....