T Squad

Bo Bo laid on his bed.
" thanks," he said closeing his eyes.

Mikki got up and went to the kitchen to get some thing to eat there was lots of people there so she ketp her sunglasses on.
Bo Bo grabbed her hand.
" what are you two talking about,?" he ask looking at Mikki oddly

Mikki look at him.
" oh not thing really," she said shugg her shoulders.
"Ok..Cool...you to can talk..im gonna be waiting outside." Jade said pulling Boo Boo (ooc: it cuz she wants to give the privicy)

ic: "Mikki. Tell the honset truth..Im just wondering..On the bus were you really joking about liking Boo Boo..if not..i wont get mad." He asked
She kiss him on the cheek.
" Of couse I was Kaz," she said keeping her hand in his.

Bo Bo look at Jade.
" what was that for?," he ask being a little confuse.