T Squad

Miki laugh.
" oaky Jade we can wait for you then we most go be for Bo Bo loose it," she said trying not to laugh.

Bo Bo rolled his eye.
" okay if you have to," he said with a sigh.
Miki laugh.
" oaky Jade we can wait for you then we most go be for Bo Bo loose it," she said trying not to laugh.

Bo Bo rolled his eye.
" okay if you have to," he said with a sigh.

Jade smiled and stuck her tounge out at them...She ran in her room....threw on a jean skirt, a red tank top and brushed and put her hair in ponytail.Then she brushed her teeth...

"Ready." She said coming out of her room!
She jump up and loook at the other.
Sweet all right let do this," she said with a smile

Bo Bo clap his hands.
" okay lets the fun begin," he said with a smile as well.
She jump up and loook at the other.
Sweet all right let do this," she said with a smile

Bo Bo clap his hands.
" okay lets the fun begin," he said with a smile as well.

Jade opened the door for them "ok..Tomarrow is the frist day we sing. Can't wait!" (ooc: Today they are just getting to where they are gona sing)

ic: Karriz stepped out the door and into the blinding light
Bo bo look around.
" I can't wait it be tight," he said sitting down.

Miki laugh.
" yeap I can't wait eather," she said sitting next to him.
Miki Smiled.
" I think we should do 2nd star to the right," she said with a bigger smile

Bo Bo nod.
" yes or Flip," he said with a smile.

heres your Banner
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Miki Smiled.
" I think we should do 2nd star to the right," she said with a bigger smile

Bo Bo nod.
" yes or Flip," he said with a smile.

heres your Banner

ooc: OMG! It's my stupid computer!! I can't see it becuz my computer is stupid...I'll get it later!

ic: "Yeah..Something that is really fast to get the crowed energized.." Karizz said. Jade nodded.. "where are we going again? New Orleans Right?" Jade asked
Miki nod.
" yeah thats right," she said with a smile

Bo Bo got up and went to the Kitchen.
" hey can I get some thing to drink," he ask with a smile

OOC: well just get the the thing then you save it in you Computer
Miki nod.
" yeah thats right," she said with a smile

Bo Bo got up and went to the Kitchen.
" hey can I get some thing to drink," he ask with a smile

OOC: well just get the the thing then you save it in you Computer

ooc: wait??? 2 things? 1. Does Boo Boo mean "Can I get anyone something to drink? 2. I HAVE AN IDEA! PM me for it!!
Miki got up and start to dance the moves in her head.

Bo Bo was sing.

The second star to the right
Shines in the night for you
To tell you that the dreams you plan
Really can come true
The second star to the right
Shines with a light that's rare
And if it's Never Land you need
It's light will lead you there
Twinkle, twinkle little star
So I'll know where you are
Gleaming in the skies above
Lead me to the one who loves me
And when you bring him my way
Each time we say "Goodnight"
We'll thank the little star that shines
The second from the right
Miki got up and start to dance the moves in her head.

Bo Bo was sing.

The second star to the right
Shines in the night for you
To tell you that the dreams you plan
Really can come true
The second star to the right
Shines with a light that's rare
And if it's Never Land you need
It's light will lead you there
Twinkle, twinkle little star
So I'll know where you are
Gleaming in the skies above
Lead me to the one who loves me
And when you bring him my way
Each time we say "Goodnight"
We'll thank the little star that shines
The second from the right

Jade smiled and started to sing and danc along with them.....
Karizz said "well..First isFlip, Then Second star to the right...Then its Roc da Mic...Then well he'll tell y'all the rest later.." "Cool." JAde said smiling