T Squad

"You see kids.." The manger began.. "We have a little problem. Someone, has spent up all of the tours fund. No fund no tour."

"What?" Jade said, "We've been waiting for the tour for months... maybe even a year!" She narrowed her eyes at the manger and was about to yell at him.
"There is another way you could go. But you would have to earn your own money." The manger said.

"Your our manger. Your supposed to do that kind of stuff." kariz said
The manger raised his eyebrows. "Actually your not. You could work at resraunts, fundraisng shows, ect."

"Well guys what do you say?" Jade said sighing and flopping down on the floor.
Jade stood and said "We could get a part time job.. like waitressing or something."

"LEt's start off with shows. maybe once we get some money we could start to get parttime jobs" Karrizz said
Bobo Put his arm around Jade.
" Sounds good to me,"He said with a half smile on his face.

Mikki Nodded.
" Yea sure what ever,"She said with a sigh
She smiled.
" Yea I hope so but I still have a feeling that he the one took our money,"She said

Bobo Nodded.
" Yea but we not so sure if that's true or not,"He told her.