Tales from the Wardrobe...

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Mr Tumnus, after requesting the services of the Gryphon, used him to fly over to where the Hermit has been staying.
[Loverble, the following will just help you a bit to set the scene; hereafter, you still have the say-so about what the Hermit says. But before anything terribly specific gets "set in concrete," can someone confirm whether my impression is correct that this RP is supposed to be happening AFTER Cor succeeds to the Archenlandish throne?]

At the residence of the Hermit, Lord Krentell, one of the royal advisors of Archenland, was finding it hard to believe that his nation's most respected spiritual figure could be close to death. The Hermit didn't look or act sick; he had been caring for a variety of non-intelligent animals like a twenty-year-old farmer when Krentell arrived in response to the solemn prediction.

They spoke of many things affecting the nation; but suddenly the Hermit interrupted himself in mid-sentence to exclaim: "My lord, we are about to admit a third speaker to our deliberations. He will be arriving out of the sky in a few minutes."

"From Narnia, then?" asked Krentell.

"Indeed. That IS a great convenience for them, having creatures among them who can fly..."

[As Tumnus, I think it logical that you spend the night. Even a Gryphon will not have covered the distance in half an hour. But ALL THREE characters are now yours to command.]
[Sounds like a plan. Thanks :)]

Mr Tumnus landed onto the ground infront of him and thanked the Gryphon. He then turned to the Hermit and said "Hermit, I come with meny questions from the High King of Narnia and his siblings."

The hermit replyed "Honored Faun, how delightful to see you! I'm sure you remember Lord Krentell; he has come to inquire after my health, as I suppose you also have. I hope that all your Kings and Queens actually are as healthy as I still feel."

"They are very well. King Edmund, High Queen Susen and Queen Lucy are all off on an exspidition to find a sutible replacement for whn the time comes."
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"Do you wish me to withdraw?" said Krentell to the Hermit.

"Not at all! We are all friends here; and as it says in the holy writings of Adam's world, one should have two witnesses. Both of you shall sup with me; and afterwards, you shall stand by me as I look into my pool to see if more enlightenment is forthcoming. But I expect more knowledge right now even without looking in the pool. Tumnus, tell me more of what passes in Narnia."

[If you feel stuck, you can simply SAY that Tumnus gave him more news, without you having to quote it. But once the Hermit looks in his pool, I'd like you to have him come up with some oracle-type thing, along the lines of "Adilia will discover the answers to her past when she meets a Talking Bear with only one eye;" or, "The one who is to succeed me will not be the first one to CLAIM that right." Something sufficiently UNcertain that other players can offer ideas of what it will turn out to mean.]
[Okie dokie. Thanks. I will think of something intrsting to say when he looks in the pool. But I have to go to bed now so I will carry it on tomorrow.]
If others follow Loverble's example, this game will get in motion again. Choosing to be optimistic for the main plotline, I shall now advance the "law and order" subplot a bit _farther_ forward in time than the Hermit-quest scenario has so far gotten.
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Grodlork had the presence of mind, when he reached his people's encampment, to ask for Marlax and Arlanat, even though King Peter had forgotten to mention them when sending Grodlork off. Both of these had returned to the camp not long before, and both seemed just as genuinely stunned as anyone else to hear of Blinjarda's demise. Grodlork deemed it only fair to tell Marlax and Arlanat that they were considered suspects in the lesser matter of dangerous negligence on the hunt, but a living antelope's complaints now shrank in importance for all the Satyrs.

By the time Grodlork, Marlax, Arlanat, and some dozen other Satyrs of both sexes came to the scene of the murder, Snowpelt was with Peter again, reporting that the meadow had provided no clear clues. One of the men-at-arms, meanwhile, had found the arrow that had wounded Dranvalan; and it appeared to match the one that had slain Blinjarda.

"This is a dark day," Peter told all the Satyrs. "There has not been a premeditated murder this close to the capital for years. All signs argue that the murderer was one of your own kind; but you have the High King's word that no one will be accused hastily without a solid basis in evidence. All of you--except one, perhaps--should have every reason to cooperate with the investigation of Blinjarda's death. I cannot personally remain here indefinitely, since I am at present the only ruler available for the ongoing affairs of the government; but Vesta will take charge of carrying on the search for evidence until someone is assigned to relieve her. Snowpelt, and the men-at-arms who came with me, shall work for now under Vesta's supervision. All of you shall give them your cooperation."

Darkness was falling by the time Peter and Angela started back for Cair Paravel, with the pony Grodlork had borrowed trailing behind them; but the distance to cover was short enough to be a manageable ride. They allowed the horses to pick their own way; there was no sense in hurrying them and risking an accident.

Angela couldn't help wishing that her husband, rather than her brother-in-law, had been her companion on this return stretch by night. This thought led gradually to a thought which Angela decided to voice aloud:

"Peter, why is it that you never took a wife? A man like you, even apart from being a king, shouldn't have had any difficulty attracting a good one."

The High King drew several deep breaths before answering. "As you know, your husband was not yet old enough to have any interest in marriage at the time the four of us were crowned; so he felt no sense of missing out on anything--until Aslan's good time came, and he met you at just the right age to begin seriously courting. I, on the other hand, was old enough at least to feel attracted to girls at the time I became High King; but for the first three or four months, there _wasn't_ anyone within the borders of Narnia whom I _could_ have married. Humans hadn't started resettling in any numbers yet."

"There were Nymphs and similar humanoids, humanlike enough to have been able to relate to you and bear you children."

"Oh, I realize that _now;_ but back then, they seemed so alien and exotic to me, that I would have been scared to fall in love with one of them. So in those first months, I threw myself completely into learning my duties. Aslan was around frequently then, and I couldn't help noticing that _He_ never brought up the subject of my marrying and starting a family; so I didn't bring it up to Him either. And by the time things were stable, and I _could_ have married, I had already begun feeling strongly that it wasn't Aslan's will for me. I wasn't about to tell Edmund that he couldn't have the satisfaction of marrying you; but my own belief in my calling to be single kept growing firmer."

Angela digested this for a moment; then: "I'm starting to see what you mean. If Aslan had meant to found a dynasty through you Pevensies, then it would have been logical for Him to declare me a Queen when I married Edmund. After all, if two Queens, why not three? But...." Angela suddenly found that she did not want to follow further the direction this thought was leading.

Peter was sharing the thought. "I know, Angela. You're wondering whether Aslan will ever let you and Ed have your own children. You're wondering if you'll even get to have a full lifetime together. I've wondered about that for both of you ever since you and Ed were courting. The only answer I can offer you is to remind you that answers belong to Aslan. But if you should be deprived of the mortal joys you hope for, that won't change the fact that someday you and Ed _will_ be together for eternity."
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That is the last post I'm going to make in this RP until someone _else_ does something.
Peter and his sister-in-law Angela are at Cair Paravel, while Tumnus is making his visit to the Hermit of Archenland. ALL other principal characters are on the quest for a successor to the Hermit: Lucy, Susan, Edmund, Aravis, and the ladies-in-waiting Elena and Adilia. At least three talking animals are with this main group: Kreechikree the mouse, Ebony the horse, and Horatius the leopard. The last report seems to have this group still headed inland, expecting to stop at an inn, which for them will end the first day of this roleplay. Donald the messenger-duck brought word to Edmund that his wife will not be coming out to join him, because she is assisting the High King with a criminal investigation.

ANY player who has a character currently in the Hermit-quest has Dayhawk's blessing to make up some new incident. It could be as simple as talking to anyone encountered about the quest, as occurred when the party met some talking pigs.

If you were asking about passage of time, the far extreme of the last post I wrote about Peter and Angela puts them three or four hours ahead of the last activity narrated for the questing party. At the point in time the questing party has reached, Peter and Angela were still with Grodlork the Satyr.
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ooc: Thanks Copperfox!!

ic: Adilia had been very quite the whole time. She finally decided to ask what she wanted to know "So what exactly are we doing again?"
"Chasing a will-o'-the-wisp, some are probably saying behind our backs," Edmund half-laughed.

Horatius the Leopard, probably the most sober-minded member of the expedition, continued from there: "The Hermit of Archenland has been a vitally important figure for the north of this world of ours. For however much of the Jadis regime he was alive in--I'm not sure now old he is--the Hermit gave help and guidance to Narnian exiles who were keeping the cause of liberating their land alive, this including Oreius and his father. Now the wise man has been made aware that he will soon be summoned to his joyful reward in Aslan's Country; but the Archenlandish people will be disconsolate indeed if their beloved spiritual mentor leaves no successor to carry on for him.

"We are casting about randomly for any clue as to who can become that successor. We don't _know_ that we will be the ones to solve the riddle; but remember the last thing the High King said to you this morning. His Magnificent Majesty has a hunch that YOU YOURSELF, Adilia, may be destined to become Archenland's next soothsayer."
"It's not a deep feeling like that, friend," answered Edmund. "However, I am not discounting it altogether. My feeling is that Lady Adilia does have an important role to play in this expedition and in finding the replacement for the beloved Hermit." Turning to Adilia: "Whether you help us find the one, or become the one yourself, My Lady, it's up to The Great Lion. Whatever the case, I am glad you are with us in this quest."
*looking at the faint first stars in the sky*
"Aslan," he said again, turning to talk to Horatius and Adilia, "works in mysterious ways, and we must trust him and wait for him. We all know he's not a tame Lion."
"Aye, Lady. But you see, there's is the point. Whatever we may discover about your past, I have the feeling that it will be closely connected with this quest, and with the Hermit."
[Yes, In-Love-With, it has been the understanding all along that Aravis was joining Susan, Lucy, Edmund and the ladies-in-waiting on the quest. I just wish someone would make it clear whether or not this RP is supposed to be happening AFTER Cor and Aravis ascended to the rule of Archenland.]
ooc: Aravis is with party going on this quest, as is Lucy, and his lady Adilia, and Susan (I think) with his Lady Elena. Also in the party is the High King's secretary Kreechi... the mouse lady, and Horatius the Leopard. I was intending to bring a couple of men with swords, but as this is really not a war party, it is not necessary, besides, all the Ladies who are in the party are well versed in weaponry and very capable of defending themselves, yourself included in case of an emergency.
Since this is a Royal excursion, we assume that there are pages, attendants, cooks and others accompanying, but I personally don't want to mention any more names and characters because I am getting confused already.

"Thank you, Lady Aravis." *bows* "I am also glad you should come with us. It will give you another opportunity to see why our country and yours (Archenland is your country now, My Lady) are have been such close friends time out mind."
In-Love-With: The thing is, it affects the plot. If Cor is King of Archenland, then Cor is sure to be deeply involved in the same quest within his own borders. If Cor's father is still breathing, then Cor himself--if someone will PLAY him--should be more at liberty to come up at some point and join Aravis.

Deciding this can be postponed for awhile still; but it will have to be decided. I wish Dayhawk were on right now, and would give us her verdict.

Kitty: you yourself can declare, if you like, that your party HAS reached the inn. That is less profound than whether Cor's father still is living.
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