Arien said:I´ll find someone else to save
Arien said:keep on moving, keep on moving
QueenAravis48 said:"When all you got is keep it stong move along move along like I know you would.
And even when your hope is gone, Move along, Move along like i know you to"
thought I would sing it
theorangejello said:aaah i love that song
and dirty little
the only sad part is i hardly know the band's names.
i mean i know there is a guy named mike
and that's it
but who mike is no idea.
what song is it?tottyfruitty said:me too
i listen to it all the time but not too much or i will get fed up of it
lieke said:what song is it?
stupid 30 thingy
Arien said:I don´t know what song it´s either
can someone please tell me the names of the band mememberslieke said:what did you say ?
Arien said:Sorry, can´t help you I don´t even know what song is called but I really wan´t to know