The 874 post game!!! (yet another one!)

QueenAravis48 said:
*QA48 fell into the hole as she looked back at Lieke and fish* ARRRRGHHHH!!!! I knew it! Darn it! I shoul've kept looking at the ground! :mad: *starts crawling up the tunnel*
*evil laugh*
see, you never know what's coming:D

*and when QA48 was in the hole Lieke threw some garbage in it:D and she was laughing:D*
Well Goodbye I'm getting off and I won't be on until July, and I'm serious. I'll miss all of you :(

Be youself, but live for the King of Love, much love to all Josh
Emirin said:
Well Goodbye I'm getting off and I won't be on until July, and I'm serious. I'll miss all of you :(

Be youself, but live for the King of Love, much love to all Josh
bye bye Emirin *waves*
we'll mis you to :(

good luck and God bless :)
lieke said:
*evil laugh*
see, you never know what's coming

*and when QA48 was in the hole Lieke threw some garbage in it:D and she was laughing:D*

lol You're funny! :rolleyes:

QA48 managed to climb the man made tunnel made by lieke. As she started running she finally catches up to lieke and pours a rotten Mcdonalds cup of Milkshake on top of Lieke's head* I believe you dropped this a mile away

*lieke's stops in disbelief and QA48 advances a couple of yards closer to the finish line* :p
QueenAravis48 said:
lol You're funny!

QA48 managed to climb the man made tunnel made by lieke. As she started running she finally catches up to lieke and pours a rotten Mcdonalds cup of Milkshake on top of Lieke's head* I believe you dropped this a mile away

*lieke's stops in disbelief and QA48 advances a couple of yards closer to the finish line*
Lieke wonders were the Milkshake cup came from and sees QA48

she stopped and was shocked :eek: but she relized that she should do something so she grabbed a Lian and yelled AHUAHUAHUA like Tarzan and she chatched up with QA48 by trees:D then whe dropped a tree monkey on QA48 and QA48 fell down unconcious (sp?)

Lieke runned further:D
Arien said:
And suddenly Arien´s jumping right in front of everybody else :D and runs off to finish line :p

but Lieke covered the finish line with grass so Arien could not see it and she ran down the wrong way:D
*stops* looking around and realizes that I´m on the wrong way :eek:
runs back, finds a shortcut and heads that way instead :p
Lieke´s running first but there´s a fence in the way... she´s trying jumping over it, but stumbles, and falls flat in the mud on the other side :D
Arien said:
*stops* looking around and realizes that I´m on the wrong way :eek:
runs back, finds a shortcut and heads that way instead
Lieke´s running first but there´s a fence in the way... she´s trying jumping over it, but stumbles, and falls flat in the mud on the other side :D
*falls into mud*
*throws mud to Arien*
Arien bengs against tree because she has mud in her eyes:D and Lieke speeds further:D
*releases a bag of marbles all over the floor as she passes them both. Lieke and Arien break their backs* Ouch! Never intended for that to happen but, oh well! Bye girls! *QA48 advances further to the finish line*
QA48 and lieke starts fighting and didn´t notice that Arien just runs ahead again :rolleyes:
and lieke, we killed Gollum :D
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