The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
Even though I've been working on my own version of The Last Battle The Last Battle (My Version), I sometimes wonder what it would be like if Narnia hadn't come to end in Narnia. Jill was hoping that the end of the world of Narnia was still a long way off. Well, what if it was? First off, it wouldn't be called The Last Battle. It would have some elements from the canon book and my version; except there is no battle of Stable Hill and Emeth does not seek out Tash but instead stays with his love interest, Marietta, an Archenlander and tavern maid. In the mean time, Tirian, along with Eustace and Jill, as well as Jewel, Poggin, Puzzle, and Farsight, are living as outlaws in the Western Wild.

I do not own Narnia or any of the canon characters. They all belong to CS Lewis. I only own my OC's (both from my previous fanfic and additional ones).]


A recap-

When Tirian heard from the eagle, Farsight, that Cair Paravel had been taken by the Calormene navy (which was a really powerful naval force), no one shed a tear or said a word. Now Narnia has been taken by the Calormenes, which they have been wanting to do for a long time. Meanwhile, Poggin had an idea.

"Why not hide in the woods, or even up in the Western Waste beyond the great waterfall and live like outlaws?", asked Poggin.

"Then what?", asked Eustace.

"We might gradually get stronger and stronger, for Talking Beasts and Archenlanders would be joining every day. And at last they’d come out of hiding and sweep the Calormenes (who would have got careless by then) out of the country and Narnia would be revived."

"I see", said Jill.

"After all, something very like that had happened in the time of King Miraz!"

A Week Later

A week has passed, and Tirian, Poggin, Jewel, Puzzle, Farsight, and Eustace and Jill have been living as outlaws in the Western Woods. Plus, the bear and boar joined them.

"What do you suppose the Calormenes plan to do?", asked Eustace, "Now that they have Narnia?"

"They have been wanting to do this for a long time", said Poggin, "I have a feeling that they will want to build palaces and temples in the regions of Narnia."

"Is that so?", asked Jill.

"Oh yes. Even Rishda Tarkaan, a very powerful man, will want to build himself a palace in Narnia."

"What I don't understand why would he want to build temples when he doesn't even believe in his own gods or any of the supernatural", said Tirian.

"And what about the tavern maid at Chippingford?", asked Eustace, "What has happened to her?"

"I do not know. Rishda could have kidnapped her as he intended to. She could have got away at one point. Wherever she may be, well, who knows?"

In the meantime, Rishda, Shift and Ginger were looking over the temples and palaces being constructed. Many were slaves and professional builders who have come to build.

"Just imagine Narnia with great cities, palaces, temples, and pyramids", said Rishda, "It shall be one of Calormen's greatest achievements."

"Oh yes, captain", said Shift, "And you have us as your humble servants."

"Oh yes, and I received word that the warriors of the Tisroc (may he live forever) have the city of Anvard, in Archenland, under siege. It's been a successful raid."

"And how many more Calormenes would arrive here?", asked Ginger.

"Oh, a great deal more than the 30 of us when we first arrived. Yet one of my young officers..."

"You mean Emeth", said Shift.

"Yes, the rash boy... the nerve that he turned back on Tash for a naive barbarian."

"The tavern maid", said Ginger, "If I recall, you'd kidnapped her to make her your wife."

"Yes, yet she she was clever enough to get away."

The city of Anvard had been under siege by Calormenes. Homes and palaces were burning. Even the castle was ablaze. The Calormenes took those who lived there captive and they were being sold as slaves. After awhile, the Tisroc's banner raised over the castle of Anvard. Now it has seemed that Calormenes have conquered the Northern countries.
One thing Mister Lewis never did was to explore in detail what countries might exist WEST OF Narnia and Archenland. Evening Star speculated on this in his own fan fiction; you are free to do the same. Let your heroes establish a base camp there.
A base camp? A base camp for Tirian, Eustace, Jill, Poggin, and Jewel in one section.

Then the temples and palaces of Calormen, perhaps being built in Cair Paravel, Chippingford, Beaversdam.
[The first chapter. We shall see what becomes of Narnia and Archenland under Calormen rule]

Chapter One

Tirian, Eustace, Poggin, Puzzle, and Farsight were out in the Western Wild, where they have set up a base camp. It was a good distance away from Calormene spies yet close enough to keep an eye out for any other Calormene or Narnian who joined the Calormenes. In the mean time, Tirian had sent Jewel and Jill to get some food supply for the base camp they had set up.

"Sire, it was good for you to set up base camp here while Narnia is under Calormene rule", said Poggin.

"Yes, and as outlaws", said Tirian, "We shall keep an eye out for any enemy that come."

"Sire, in the world I come from", said Eustace, "They have a legend of an outlaw, Robin Hood and His Merry Men. He was known to rob from the rich and give to the poor."

"You don't think it will come down to us for stealing from the wealthy Calormenes, do you, sire?", asked Poggin.

"I do not think so", said Tirian, "Not even from the most powerful Tarkaans."

"How long will Narnia be under Calormene rule?", asked Eustace.

"I do not know. Narnia suffered 100 year winter; it was under Telmarine rule for 1300 years. We cannot say for sure how long it will be under Calormene rule. Besides of that, the Calormenes have Archenland as well."

Jewel and Jill were on their way back to the base camp with the food supply. It consisted of oranges, bananas, figs, nuts, spices, lamb (a dumb one, that is), barley, pavenders, etc.

"It's hard to believe we've got this much food supply for our base camp", said Jill.

"indeed, sister", said Jewel, "I believe Tirian and the rest are waiting for us."

"Jewel, I wonder, what do you suppose beyond the Western wild?"

"Some say to be Telmar, from where Caspian I marched his Telmarine army to Narnia. King Tirian himself is a descendant of Caspian I."

"Eustace told me of Caspian X and we've met his son Rilian. Are they all of the same family?"

"Oh, yes, They are. Archenlanders and Calormenes and many Narnians that live on the Islands are all from the family of Frank I and Helen, the first king and queen of Narnia."

"This is all so much to take in."

"But we are so glad you Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve come to Narnia from our own strange place when Narnia is stirred up and upset."

"Do you think we could restore Narnia back to the way it was?"

"Yes, but it may take a while."

Jill looked westward and began to wander what is beyond the Western wild. What is west of Narnia? Telmar was, but there must be something beyond that. Perhaps, it was possible to do some exploration. Yet, Calormenes could get suspicious.

Jewel and Jill arrive at the base camp with the food supply. Jill thought of getting dinner ready. Then a willow dryad, Amara, stepped in to help out with preparations for roast lamb.

"Thank you, Amara", said Tirian.

"You are welcome, Sire", said Amara, "I am grateful to be one of the few dryads to be left alive. Yet, many of my brothers and sisters were cut down by the Calormenes at Lantern Waste"

"My cousins have told me that here in Narnia, when a certain tree is cut down", said Eustace, "The dryad would die."

"That is correct. Now with Narnia being under Calormene rule... well, I suppose not all of them are that bad."

"I met with a noble young warrior", said Jewel, "Very energetic and earnest and long to seek the truth."

"You mean, Emeth. Such a kind-hearted young soldier, even though he is Calormene. I've traveled to Calormen before, and I remember when he was just a little boy."

"Hey, maybe Jill and I could go see what he is doing", said Eustace, "If that is alright."

"We'll wait out here for you", said Tirian.

Then Eustace and Jill left to see where Emeth could be in the Calormene base camp.

Eustace and Jill arrived at where the Calormene base camp was at. Then saw some construction being done. They figured at once it was that it was the palaces and temples being built.

"I imagine that these palaces and temples will look spectacular", said Jill.

While looking around, they saw two young Calormene men running, and they appeared to have a race. They were racing towards a rock and once they've reached it, they laughed.

"Chlamash, remember when we've raced in Teshibaan?", asked one young Calormen.

"We were only boys, Emeth", said the other, "Now I shall say I am the winner."

"No, I'm sure it was me."

"Hey, is that..?", asked Eustace, "We better go and see."

Eustace and Jill went over to where Chlamash and Emeth were. They were kind of surprised to see two children coming towards them. Not only that, but two children that appeared to be refugees.

"Aren't you some of the refugees from Narnia?", asked Chlamash.

"Oh, we're not from Narnia, exactly", said Jill.

"It's really hard to explain, where we come from", said Eustace, "I'm Eustace and this is Jill."

"I am Emeth", said Emeth, "This is my best friend, Chlamash."

"Emeth", said Jill, "A willow dryad was just telling us about you."

"Amara. Oh yes. I've known her since I was a boy. She traveled to Calormene and stayed with us in Teshibaan."

"Well, I still say I won the race", said Chlamash.

"No, I'm sure it was me."

"I wonder if it's possible that it was a tie?", asked Eustace.

"I'm afraid I'll have to agree with the boy on that", said a young woman with golden hair and blue-green eyes.

"Hey, isn't that the tavern maid?", asked Jill.

"Marietta", said Chlamash, "We do not see you there."

"It is", said Eustace, "Hmm... wonder what she's doing in the Calormene encampment."

"Chlamash, Emeth", said Marietta.

"Hello, darling", said Emeth, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, you're that tavern maid, Marietta", said Eustace, "We've met you at the Dragon Inn."

"Oh yes, of course", said Marietta, turning to Eustace and Jill, "Then of course, you might have heard that it has burned down."

"Do you have anywhere to stay?", asked Jill.

"Most of my friends who I have considered to be like family have gone to Aslan's Howe, the sight of where the Stone Table stood."

"My cousins told me of that", said Eustace, "They even said that Aslan died on there, and it broke in two when he came to life."

"I've heard that story myself."

"So you believe in Aslan?", asked Emeth.

"Well, yes", said Jill, "We even met him face to face."

"Since I was a boy, I sought after Tash, a Calormene god. Yet our own captain, Rishda Tarkaan..."

"Yes, Poggin told us about him", said Eustace.

"He doesn't believe in Tash or any of the supernatural", said Chlamash, "He's a very powerful man. He's been overseeing the construction that has been going on, with the temples and palaces. Tell us, where are you staying?"

"Well, we can't really say where we're staying at", said Jill.

"Oh", said Emeth, "Well, here's some extra food supply, for wherever you may be staying."

"What is all this?", asked Eustace.

"Some of these are exotic fruits from Calormen and chocolate hazelnuts and Turkish Delight."

"My cousin loves that sort of candy. Well, are you sure?"

"Please, take as much as you want."

"Thank you", said Jill.

Eustace and Jill each took quite a bit of the food supply that Emeth offered them. They never expect to get more of it. So it would seem now they would have more than enough.

"So Emeth, you really that generous?", asked Marietta.

"Oh yes, sweet one", said Emeth, and he put his arms around her. Then he shared a sweet tender kiss with her. Chlamash have to look away, since this was all too much for him.

"Eew! Bleh!", said Eustace and Jill.

"You know, I think we'll be on our way now", said Eustace, "Nothing to see."

"Come, I'll walk you over", said Chlamash, "As far as I can take you."

"Thank you, Chlamash", said Jill, and they started to walk over as far as he could go with them.

Chlamash was more than happy to walk with Eustace and Jill. He was actually happy for his best friend Emeth. But watching him and Marietta kiss was all too much. It was too much for Eustace and Jill as well.

"Why didn't you say that Emeth was married?", asked Jill.

"Oh, he's not married", said Chlamash.

"Then why didn't you say that he has a girlfriend?"


"It's a term that we use in our world", said Eustace, "I mean, when two people are romantically involved... it's really hard to explain."

"I see. Well, on our way, I can show you around where Rishda plans to build palaces and temples."

"It's quite a lot of work to do."

"It sure is. Even though Emeth and I serve under him, well, I still quite understand why he doesn't believe in the gods of the Calormene. He doesn't believe in Aslan himself."

"So he believes in neither Tash nor Aslan?", asked Jill.

"So why would he be building temples?", asked Eustace, "Not that Narnia has temples for Aslan"

"What makes you say that, Eustace?", asked Chlamash.

"In a world we come from, there was once a temple that was the dwelling place of Someone who is much bigger than our world."

"Your world sounds very intriguing. Perhaps you should tell more of your world, when you have the time."

"Oh, we sure love to."

In the mean time, they stopped where the Calormene encampment line was. Eustace and Jill said farewell to Chlamash and thanked him for everything. Soon, they went on their way back to the outlaw base camp in the Western Wild.

[Well, it's a start to see how things would've been in Narnia if it had not come to end. And it will make readers wonder what's going to happen. Will Tirian and his friends be able to survive during this time? What will the other Calormenes make of Emeth and Chlamash's act of kindness to the Narnians and Archenlanders? Well, we shall all find out in the upcoming chapters.]
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[A second chapter]

Chapter Two

Eustace and Jill arrived at their base camp in the Western Wild, carrying the food supply. They met with Tirian and the rest that were there.

"Eustace, Jill", said Tirian, "So you met with Emeth, I take?"

"Well, yes", said Eustace, "We also met with his friend, Chlamash. Look, they even gave us some exotic fruit from Calormen, as well as chocolate hazelnuts and Turkish Delight."

"Oh, remember that tavern maid that was dancing in the streets of Chippingford?", asked Jill.

"Why, yes", said Tirian, "Did you see her?"

"Yes, we did. And well, it's kind of hard to explain..."

"We think she's somehow involved with Emeth", said Eustace, "But no matter. Anyhow, Chlamash even showed us the temples and palaces that are being constructed."

"Is that so?", asked Poggin, "Well, for a high class Tarkaan, Rishda doesn't believe in Tash or even in Aslan."

"Chlamash told us of that. He doesn't even understand why this is, even though he serves under him as a solder."

"Perhaps we shall enjoy these food that these two young warriors have given us", said Jewel.

They sat around and ate some garlic, onion, and pavenders that were cooked in a stew. While they were doing this, Jewel and Puzzle were grazing on the grass. Everyone enjoyed the meal during their time of survival.

Chlamash went over to where he and Emeth were staying while looking over at the construction sites of the temples and palaces. He could also smell that a meal has been cooking. Then he came in.

"Chlamash", said Marietta, who had been cooking a meal of roast lamb, sage, onion, garlic, "You're just in time for dinner."

Then she handed Emeth and Chlamash each a plate before serving herself. They sat around and ate the meal.

"So I take that Eustace and Jill made their way back to their base camp", said Emeth.

"Oh yes, they did", said Chlamash, "I even showed them the construction sites on the way."

"How long do you think it will take for the palaces and temples to be complete?", asked Marietta.

"It is something I fear, though", said Emeth, "Rishda is a very powerful man... I do think he finds his way to work his slaves even to the bones. He was no different when we lived in Calormen."

"I know that he has tried to propose to me a few times.... and I keep turning him down."

"Oh yes. Though I'm still determined he shouldn't have you, dear one."

"However, once the temples and palaces has been completed", said Chlamash, "Rishda wants Emeth and me to attend his council meeting."

"You don't intend to attend, do you?", asked Marietta.

"We must, since he is our captain", said Emeth

In the meantime, Rishda, his servants, Shift, and Ginger were watching the construction sites.

"My lord", said a servant, "What do you propose we do?"

"I'm proposing for a meeting once the temples and palaces has been established", said Rishda, "I even invited Emeth and Chlamash to attend."

"Is that so?", said another servant.

"Why, yes. They are both blood of a high ranking Tarkaan, so they should attend."

"Certainly can't argue with that", said Shift.

It was night fall and Marietta sat down looking over, being in deep thought. Emeth came to sit down beside her.

"What is it, fairest of maidens?", asked Emeth, "A lot on your mind?"

"Well, yes", answered Marietta, "Seeing what has happened to Narnia and hearing of what has happened to my home country of Archenland, I don't even know.."

"I'm sorry for what happened", and Emeth put a hand on her shoulder, "I may be a soldier and blood of a Tarkaan. Yet, seeing how Rishda has been treating even his own slaves..."

"Oh yes. Slavery is part of the Calormene culture."

"Yes.. though I sometimes wish it wasn't. Not all high class Calormenes own slaves."

In the meantime, Chlamash had join them to see how they were.

"I've been assigned to keep watch for tonight", said Chlamash.

"So what should we do?", asked Marietta.

"I can keep watch here", said Emeth, "If you need me too."

"Oh yes, Emeth, please do", said Chlamash, "Perhaps you should get some rest as well."

"I'll sure be glad not to sleep in a tent, once the palaces have been completed."

They all looked at one another for a moment. Then Emeth put his arms around Marietta and shared a kiss with her. Chlamash watched for a moment, then continue on his way to be on night watch.

"Alone at last", whispered Emeth.

It was morning, and Poggin woke up. He was an early riser and the air felt fresh that morning. He wondered about waking up the others or should go ahead and fix breakfast. Then Eustace and Jill woke up.

"Good morning, Poggin", said Eustace.

"Morning Mr. Eustace, Miss Jill", said Poggin, "It's quite a morning. Isn't it?"

"It sure is", said Jill, "What's for breakfast?"

"I was thinking of cooking fish over the fire as well as some apples."

"It sounds good to me", said Eustace.

Tirian, Jewel, and Puzzle woke up. Jewel and Puzzle were grazing on the grass as Poggin and Eustace went to catch some fish. After catching the fish, they cleaned the fish and started to cook them over the fire. As they were doing this, Jill went to cut up the apples. Then there was a breakfast of fish and apples. After breakfast, they sat around and talked what do next.

"So what's on the agenda for today?", asked Tirian.

"Well, we could gather up more food supply", said Eustace, "Though I think we have plenty. Maybe we can visit with Emeth and Chlamash."

"There is that", said Jill, "Though it is still early. I don't even know if they would be up for a visit."

"What if they come to see us? Wait, wouldn't Rishda get suspicious?"

"He might", said Poggin, "But I think he's been overseeing the temples and palaces being built, he hardly notices anything else going on, even with his own soldiers."

Eustace and Jill looked at one another. It was going to be harder than they expected. Yet, after meeting with Emeth and his friend Chlamash, perhaps not all Calormenes were the same.

[Well, the palaces and temples are still being built. Now some of you may even wonder what would they look like in Narnia and Archenland. All soon to be revealed.]
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"I was thinking of cooking fish over the fire as well as some apples."

This is an instance where imitating something from a canonical book is perfectly suitable. Narnian Dwarfs being blue-collar working types, it's natural for them to have practical skills like camp cooking. And yes, cooking fish with any available fruit is logical, as it prevents the fish from being unpleasantly dried out by cooking. I have on occasion baked fish with applesauce spread over them.
"I was thinking of cooking fish over the fire as well as some apples."

This is an instance where imitating something from a canonical book is perfectly suitable. Narnian Dwarfs being blue-collar working types, it's natural for them to have practical skills like camp cooking. And yes, cooking fish with any available fruit is logical, as it prevents the fish from being unpleasantly dried out by cooking. I have on occasion baked fish with applesauce spread over them.
Interesting thought. Dwarfs have been known for their mining and crafting, so it would seem that they like to be outdoors.

Now there's the situation with Emeth and his friend Chlamash, even as Calormenes, feeling conflicted about Calormene culture.
[I haven't written anything in a while. So here is another chapter]

Chapter Three

In the Calormene encampment, Marietta was doing her usual routine. Meanwhile, Rishda came over to her.

"Marietta, my dear", said Rishda.

"Rishda", said Marietta, who was feeling a bit frightened. Though she did tried to show her courage.

"Since you have no where to go, wouldn't you reconsidered your decision?"

"You ask me to the same thing day after day and my answer is still no!"

"Ah. Yet you see the palaces being built, don't you?" Marietta just stood there feeling nervous, "Think of it, fairest of barbarian maidens, a palace just for us. You would be dressed in the most beautiful clothing and I would shower you with all the most beautiful things of Tashbaan."

"No, no."

"Think of it, my dear."

About a couple of months later, the palaces and cities were completed. They actually looked magnificent in a way. Even Eustace and Jill were in awe at the sights.

"Those are sure nice looking places", said Eustace.

"I never knew what Calormene palaces were like", said Jill.

"Yes and the Calormene tarkaans and tarkheenas have been known to live in luxury", said Jewel.

They went back to the base camp after awhile and started to cook some stew for dinner. And would Narnia be so different now (maybe in years to come)?

"I don't think the Calormenes would suspect anything if we're living in hiding", said Poggin,

"Perhaps they wouldn't", said Jill, "Didn't you say that the Calormenes aren't very good woodsmen?"

"And he's right", said Amara, "They fear that demons inhabit the woods."

"Oh, my", said Eustace.

Emeth went inside of his palace to check things out. He didn't really suspect that he and Chlamash would be sharing a palace (for a time being). Meanwhile, Marietta came in to see it as well.

"So this is what living in Calormen is like", said Marietta.

"Yes, beauteous one", said Emeth, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Oh yes. It is."

"But you are even more beautiful."

"I know we've talked about getting married. Is that still possible?"

"Why, yes it is. Though I'm sure my father... he's set in his ways."

"Oh. I think Rishda still has it in for me."

"Perhaps, if we marry in secret, he can't marry you."

"Can we do that?"

"Why yes. That will surely show Rishda."

In the meantime, Chlamash had come into the room to see how Emeth was doing.

"Chlamash, my friend", said Emeth, "I just had an idea. You know how Rishda has been wanting to marry Marietta here."

"I take that he won't give up", said Chlamash.

"Right. Well, I thought of an idea that he won't do so: that we marry in secret."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I never been more sure. This is the woman of my dreams." And he kissed Marietta on the cheek.

"Why yes, of course."

"Chlamash, you'll be there, won't you?", asked Marietta, "For the ceremony, that is?"

"Why yes", said Chlamash, "You know, I think I'll love you two alone."

Chlamash turned away and left. Meanwhile, Emeth put his arms around Marietta and started to shower her with kisses.

It was morning, and Poggin woke up. He gathered some eggs, then cracked them and fried them for breakfast. Tirian and the children woke up to the smell of eggs frying. Then gathered around and ate fried eggs as well as some apples for breakfast.

"So what is on the agenda today?", asked Eustace.

"I think we got more than enough food supply to last us a whole winter", said Poggin, "So no need to gather up more food."

"That's a relief", said Jill.

"We could even check out the palaces", said Tirian, "Even what our friend Emeth is up to."

"I did hear that he and Chlamash are staying at the same palace", said Jewel.

"Like they're roommates or something?", asked Eustace.

"Something like that, you could say."

"Almost like sharing a room with other boys and girls at school... boarding school, that is."

"It sure does", said Jill.

After awhile, Eustace and Jill decided to check out the Calormene buildings in Narnia. They were spectacular buildings buildings, that was for sure. Soon, they came upon the market places.

"So this is what they sale at the markets", said Eustace.

"Oh yes", said Chlamash who ran into them, "There's the finest chocolate hazelnuts and Turkish Delights..."

"My cousin used to love those. But I never knew there were different flavors."

"Oh yes. Rose, pistachio, lemon, lime, orange."

"Oh, we've heard that you and Emeth are staying at the same palace", said Jill.

"Why yes", said Chlamash, "Though I haven't seen him all morning."

"Really?", asked Eustace.

"Chlamash, is that you?", said a young woman with medium brown hair.

"Rhonda", said Chlamash, "It's been a while. What are you doing here?"

"I've heard about the palaces and temples being built in Narnia and that the king of Narnia has set up a base camp. I also came to see how my best friend Marietta was doing."

"Well, I haven't seen her all morning. Probably sleeping in."

"This late?"

"Whoa, you haven't seen neither Emeth nor Marietta all morning?", asked Eustace.

"Yes, that's right."

"In the meantime", said Rhonda, "Jill, why don't you come with me to the fabric and jewelry section."

So Rhonda and Jill went over to where the jewelry and fabric were. There were so many beautiful things. Rhonda had an idea of making a simple dress for Jill. She purchased the fabric and she made a dress for Jill. It wasn't fancy, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
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It was about time that we saw more of this!

You are of course having events take more days here than what happened in "Last Battle." But there's logic in this. Even though the Narnian planetoid is far smaller than Earth, such monumental events as Mister Lewis imagined could easily take many months to unfold.
It was about time that we saw more of this!

You are of course having events take more days here than what happened in "Last Battle." But there's logic in this. Even though the Narnian planetoid is far smaller than Earth, such monumental events as Mister Lewis imagined could easily take many months to unfold.
Oh yes. I've been busy with a lot of stuff going on, so I haven't been posting much.

How's that? Even Eustace and Jill are in awe of the Calormene palaces in Narnia. Then of course, it seems like Rishda still has it in for Marietta (still wants her for himself). Emeth is surely not going to let that happened! He plans to marry her in secret, but how long will it be until they no longer can keep secrets?
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Of course, if Obi-Wan Kenobi existed in the Narnian world, once aware that Emeth was turning his heart to Aslan, Obi-Wan would be ALL FOR such a marriage.
Of course, if Obi-Wan Kenobi existed in the Narnian world, once aware that Emeth was turning his heart to Aslan, Obi-Wan would be ALL FOR such a marriage.
I didn't think of that either. It would be totally opposite of Anakin, who was turning to the dark side.

Yet many of the other Calormenes (especially Rishda) would NOT APPROVE of such a marriage.
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[Well, we shall see what happens]

Chapter Four

Eustace and Jill had gone back to the base camp and brought in what Chlamash had purchased for them from the market place. When they arrived there, Poggin was cooking a stew for dinner.

"It smells good, Poggin", said Eustace.

"Why, thank you", said Poggin.

Soon after, every each of one of them made themselves a bowl of stew for dinner. Soon after dinner, there was chocolate hazelnuts for dessert. Eustace and Jill thought they never tasted anything so delicious.

"These are so good", said Jill.

"Oh yes", said Eustace, "Never tasted anything like it."

"What do you suppose is up with Emeth and Marietta?", Rhonda asked Chlamash.

"That's what I like to know", said Chlamash, "He did tell me they plan to marry in secret."

"Is that so?"

"Why yes. He even told me that if he marries her in secret, Rishda can't marry her."

"Ah. When do you suppose they plan to do it?"

"He never said. But if I have to guess, as soon as possible."

In the meantime, Chlamash bid Rhonda farewell, and decided to speak with Rishda for a minute or two.

Chlamash came into the palace where Rishda's headquarters was, and he was surprised to see him.

"Chlamash, I wasn't expecting you", said Rishda.

"Yes, but my father, may I speak with you?", asked Chlamash.

"Make it quick."

"My father, we have conquered Narnia... the temples and palaces have been built."

"Oh yes. Now Narnia is the greatest of all the Calormene provinces."

"Yes, it sure is. I was wondering...."


"Do you still plan to make Marietta your wife?"

"Yes, and I still intend to! I must have her!"

"Oh, well, I think you should reconsider this! She... she's not ready!"

"You're telling me she's not ready!"

"Why, yes I am!"

"I see. And what of the rash boy?"

"You mean my friend, Emeth! I haven't seen him all day!"

"You haven't seen him?"

"No, I haven't. Now to come to think of it, I haven't seen Marietta either!"

"So you haven't seen neither of them?"

"No, my father!"

"Oh, this just keeps getting better, doesn't it? Listen here, Chlamash, I am determined to have the barbarian maiden Marietta as my wife! Oh, she shall be taught a sharp lesson!"

"Whoa, there! You really think it will come down to that!?"

"Oh yes! I am of a high born Tarkaan who deserves a beautiful woman as his bride!"

"Well, I think you should reconsider this! Now it was a pleasure speaking with you, my father. Now I will be on my way." Chlamash bowed and left. He could not believe what he spoke to Rishda about. Yet, he knew he was trying to protect his best friend.

Marietta had been waking up in the next few mornings feeling dizzy. She thought about going to see doctors or healers. But now that Calormen has taken Narnia, were there any doctors or healers around.

"Marietta, haven't seen you for quite some time", said Amara, "How you've been?"

"Alright", said Marietta, "Though I have been feeling dizzy. I even been feeling sick lately. I don't know what is it."

"You sick?", and she touched her forehead and stomach.

"I think so. Are there any doctors or healers around?"

"Oh, not that I know of. Though I could take a look at you, if you like."

"Would you?"

"Why yes."

So Amara examined Marietta, which was about an hour or so. Afterwards, Amara told Marietta that she will need to take care of herself and be extra careful in the next few months. After awhile, she ran into Emeth.

"Marietta, where you've been?", asked Emeth, "Did you go see a doctor or healer?"

"Well, I ran into an old friend, Amara", said Marietta.

"Oh yes. And?"

"She take a look at me... well, you know how Rishda wants me to be his wife?"

"Oh yes. I have feeling he won't give up. That is why we plan to marry in secret."

"Well, I think he's going to have to think twice.. and we may have to wait a while."

Marietta preceded to tell Emeth about her condition. Then they agreed to wait awhile until they could marry in secret.

[It isn't about to get interesting? It may seem like Rishda won't give up on pursuing Marietta. Emeth and Marietta plan to marry in secret yet they will have to wait awhile until they could do so. Though things are about to get complicated, since what Marietta told Emeth may have given some kind of hint.]
[About time to see what happens]

Chapter Five

Marietta had told Emeth that they would have to wait until they could marry in secret... months even. She had gone to see a doctor or healer, since she was feeling sick. However, instead, she saw Amara, and she told her to be extra careful. After awhile, she ran into Rhonda.

"Marietta", said Rhonda, "I haven't seen you in quite a while. Where have you been?"

"Rhonda", said Marietta, "Well, I have been with Emeth."

"Why am I not surprised? Chlamash did tell me that you two plan to marry in secret."

"Oh, yes. Well, you are my best friend, and of course, I'd want you to be there. Though, it may not be for a long while."

"What do you mean?"

Then Marietta proceeded to tell Rhonda about how she had been feeling sick and on how Amara took a look at her. It turned out she had to be extra careful with her condition.

"Marietta, are you?", asked Rhonda, "Is Emeth..."

"Yes, that's right", said Marietta, "And Rishda will certainly have to think twice about wanting to marry me."

"Oh yes, and Chlamash and I will be sure to see to it he doesn't."

Poggin, Eustace, and Jill went to scout out the Calormene palaces for a bit. Soon they ran into Emeth and Chlamash.

"Hey, it's Emeth and his dear friend Chlamash", said Poggin.

"Eustace and Jill", said Chlamash, "And who's the dwarf?"

"This is our loyal friend, Poggin", said Eustace.

"And I have become Tirian's majordomo", said Poggin.

"We came to see how you two were doing", said Jill.

"Well, now that I have to keep extra eye on Marietta", said Emeth.

"You mean the Tavern maid?", asked Poggin.

"Is she hurt?", asked Chlamash.

"Oh no, nothing like that", said Emeth, "Well, you please excuse us for a moment?"

Emeth and Chlamash stepped aside. Emeth proceeded to tell Chlamash on what Marietta told him, and how they needed to wait a long awhile until they could marry in secret.

"Emeth, are you saying that she's..."

"Yes, she is", said Emeth.

"So you must be..."


"Wow... and that will be a long awhile to wait."

"Chlamash, do me a favor. Please don't say anything to Rishda."

"Why would I do that, Emeth? You've been my best friend since we were boys."

"I knew I could trust you. But if Rishda finds out, he'll think I'm living in..."

"Hey, no need to worry. I won't say a word to him."

And Chlamash gave Emeth a hug. Then they went back to Eustace, Jill, and Poggin.

"So what is there?", asked Jill.

"Oh, so much", said Emeth, "It's great that you came by to see us."

"Well, we should be going soon", said Poggin, "A pleasure to meet two young noble Calormene warriors."

"And you as well, Poggin", said Chlamash.

After awhile, Poggin, Eustace and Jill headed back to the base camp.

[It sounds like things are getting more complicated. Before too long, word about Emeth and Marietta will start to get out.]
Well, it would seem that eventually, there will be a wedding for Emeth and Marietta. It's likely that Chlamash would be the best man and Rhonda the maid of honor. Well, perhaps if the readers want to help out as well. Who do you think should officiate? Should Tirian, Jewel, Poggin, Eustace, and Jill help out with the ceremony as well?
I always noticed that Narnia didn't seem to have any clergy.

Given this absence, I would suggest that King Tirian conduct a wedding.