The Best Banner Contest...

Which Banner is THE BEST???

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
yeah that is a cool banner. though the pictures are a little odd, it's well made
Thank you everyone! I was having some doubts (obviously). :rolleyes:
To bad I don't have photo shop.*teasing Large Voice*I could put you out of buisnes.Could I have the lyrics to the song?
haha, I'm sure you could put me out of business. I do the best possible with my Free programs.:p

EDIT: lyrics? song? what song?:confused:
Okay I'll di that.

You should wear blue convers with a tux.Not red LOL.

Would you mind if I went off subject?


Here are two more.There not very good I made them all of mine on piant.

EDIT: Im off subject
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Duh! Its a free country.And you banner.Gondorgirl if I send you pics could you put them together one one page?I'll decerate it my self.
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*glares* eh, why is my banner on the poll?

anyhoo, I voted for EVERYONE! ('cept myself of course! :eek:)
cuz Im not selfish like that. *looks around*



not saying anythhing offensive to anyone of course....
Ill shut up now...
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