The Best Comedy Movie Ever.

the best comedy film?

Certainly wouldn't be Blades of Glory or Epic Movie (both are disgusting)

for me, it's those that are wholesome and without error in them. the funniest films are those that are clean and without junk in them. (the comedy films, that is.)

One of the best is The Caddy, with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Hilarious!
the best comedy film?

Certainly wouldn't be Blades of Glory or Epic Movie (both are disgusting)

for me, it's those that are wholesome and without error in them. the funniest films are those that are clean and without junk in them. (the comedy films, that is.)

One of the best is The Caddy, with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Hilarious!

I watched the Caddy also I was dying of laughter. hahaha!
The lastest comedy that I remember watching in theaters was Night at the Museum... which comes out this month on DVD, I believe.

Yeah.Yeah.Yeah. I love that movie too, I remebered I watched that on cinema two times, until now I miss its humour especially the one with Sacagawea, when she points where the three bad guards were she said: They went to east and crushed, then Larry said: How did you kow that? Then sacagawea points the crushed expedition where the three bad guys were riding on a while ago, only to discover that, that was just right behind them. I love that movie so much.
I LOVE Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Hit the Ice and Here Come the Co-eds and Buck Privates (the latter three with Abott and Costello). They make me laugh :D .
My favorite comedy movie of all time is "The Disorderly Orderly starring Jerry Lewis, a film done back in the 60s I believe. I just couldn't stop laughing and when I watch it today it is still just as funny to me.
My favorite comedy movie of all time is "The Disorderly Orderly starring Jerry Lewis, a film done back in the 60s I believe. I just couldn't stop laughing and when I watch it today it is still just as funny to me.

I think I've seen that one......I haven't seen very many of his films.....the one where he changed egos kind of scared me. :eek:
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town..its really old,from the 30s,but its so funny,imo..and perfectly clean comedy at that.:)