The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Pirate Queen

New member
Has anyone seen this movie? If you have, what did you think about it?
I watched it the first time yesterday and it is very good movie but very sad and emotional! I have never cried watching a movie (except Lion King and I was a little girl ;)), but at the end, I was crying like a baby :(
So, those of you that have seen it, what are your thoughts?
Pirate Queen said:
Especially if you like the WWII/Holocaust time period. ;)

I do,very much.I read every book,hear every song from back then, and see every movie/tv show I can get my hands on thats set/filmed then.:)
Oooo I wanna see that movie soo bad!! ;) My older sister Kathleen (Narniagirl13) saw it and she said it was amazing! She said she cried, too! Oops, I don't think I was allowed to say that...oh well! :D:D
Oooo I wanna see that movie soo bad!! ;) My older sister Kathleen (Narniagirl13) saw it and she said it was amazing! She said she cried, too! Oops, I don't think I was allowed to say that...oh well! :D

Its really good, but sad at the end......

And this is a weird comparison but in that way it reminds me of Eldest.... Good and well done, but sad at the ending.;):(
"I do,very much.I read every book,hear every song from back then, and see every movie/tv show I can get my hands on thats set/filmed then."

Daydream, I have compiled a list of over 150 WWII books for around the teen age group. I have read maybe a third of that list. I think I still have that list somewhere.

So far, I haven't been interested in this particular story.

Daydream, I have compiled a list of over 150 WWII books for around the teen age group. I have read maybe a third of that list. I think I still have that list somewhere.

:eek: Wow,I'd love to see it.:)
Have you read "I Will Plant You A Lilac Tree"?Thats one of my favorite auto-biographies of the Holocause.:)
Wow, I have more than 220 books on my list!

Daydream, I'll see what I can do to et it to you.

No, I havent read "LIlac Tree" yet. Is it a novelization of the author's life or i is more of a memoir? By novelization, I mean a book about the author's life but written in story form. I read two novelizations of author's expereinces in both dealing with a life in hiding and times in concentration and work camps.

The life in hiding (about three years) book is called "The Upstairs Room" by Johanna Reiss. It tells of her life when she was 10 and she and her 16(?)-year-old sister hid in two houses for over 2 years in The Netherlands.

The book set in concentration and work camps is called "I Have Lived a Thousand Years" by Livia Bitton-Jackson. It is about the author's horrendous year in Nazi custody including two stays in Aushwitz. She and her mother survived by stealth and a lot of luck.

MrBob said:
Daydream, I'll see what I can do to et it to you.

No, I havent read "LIlac Tree" yet. Is it a novelization of the author's life or i is more of a memoir? By novelization, I mean a book about the author's life but written in story form. I read two novelizations of author's expereinces in both dealing with a life in hiding and times in concentration and work camps.

Thanks,Mr. Bob!:) I appreciate it.:)

Its a memoir in the sense that its written first person,and in a "diary" like format..although it reads like a novel.It was the first book I read that introduced me to "Schindler's List".:cool:
You know what Daydream, I totally forgot about that list. Sorry. :eek: I'll see what I can do about sending that list to you in a private message in the next few days.

No prob.:)Is there a way it could be a visitor message?:)My computer blocks PMs.

I have this movie on reserve at my library.