The children

I think Lucy is my favorite I love her childlike faith. Howerver, all of them are very likeble and believable and have their own unique personalities.
I don't know is hard to pick. I love Lucy's Faith. She knew what she had seen, and she will not back down even if science is able to prove her wrong! :rolleyes:

And i love Edmund's, how should i put it, bad boy attitude. you know the outsider. i guess i like dark characters sometimes.
dhann_cyrance said:
everybody liked Edmund just because Skandar. They don't be like Edmund, if Skandy not him! And what the special from Skandy?

May i translate?
Everybody likes Edmund because of Skandar. They wouldn't like Edmund if Skandar wasn't playing him in the movie! And what's so special about Skandar?

I hope that's what you meant.
Jimmy Kickarse said:
May i translate?
Everybody likes Edmund because of Skandar. They wouldn't like Edmund if Skandar wasn't playing him in the movie! And what's so special about Skandar?

I hope that's what you meant.

She doesn't speak english very well. :rolleyes: Don't worry dhann_cyrance ;) :)
Jimmy Kickarse said:
May i translate?
Everybody likes Edmund because of Skandar. They wouldn't like Edmund if Skandar wasn't playing him in the movie! And what's so special about Skandar?

I hope that's what you meant.

[Airplane!]Can I help? I speak Jive![/Airplane]
Some of us still like Edmund for himself. I see myself in him. I'm constantly wanting to do things my way and I often feel bitter and resentful towards those who are in opposition to me. But even more than sharing a common bond, to me Edmund as an adult is one of my favorite literary heroes. Even in PC he is growing. Edmund becomes wiser and more intelligent. That's why I love Edmund. Not for who he was or who portrays him. But for who he became.
Mmm...I agree. Edmund is hard not to like because I often see myself in him. He symbolizes no matter how bad you've been, there is still room for change and God himself will help you and defend you. Also, its very beautiful seeing how someone so miserable and such a traitor will grow up to be "Edmund the Just".
Lucy fans!

Hey, everyone - check out the desktop montage of Georgie as Lucy that Between_The_Worlds made! It's over here in the artwork forum!
Sadly the picture is not showing for me.

And Susan all the way. Not in the later books, but because of how practical she is. I have had to be practical my entire life and I was forever being told to be a 'big girl' and to take care of the others, so I guess in a way that is Peter too. I do like Ed and Lucy, and do wish Susan had a bigger part. I really do. I just feel like I should root for the underdog. I do not know why, but I feel she is. She never is allowed to fight (and I bet she could!), etc. That might just be me.

I respect Lucy for her faith no matter what

And Ed for how he is redeemed and how he shows disbelief, at first.

Peter, always brave enough what do what is needed, even if he is scared...
Jimmy Kickarse said:
May i translate?
Everybody likes Edmund because of Skandar. They wouldn't like Edmund if Skandar wasn't playing him in the movie! And what's so special about Skandar?

I hope that's what you meant.

noooow it makes sense>>thx jimmy

p.s. LUCY is definetly the best but peter is cool too.
susan is sorta cool,but she doesnt believe and she is always trying to be smart!!and edmund he NEEDS to think before he acts but he is cool :p
i love edmund, and not just because skandar played him....he was my favorite in the book even before i saw the movie :)

but of course......i always fall for the bad guy :rolleyes: ..........whenever there's a guy in a story who especially is bad and then gets redeemed and turns good........ahhhh i end up gong crazy for him, i can't help it!!! :eek: :D
I like them all so this is why:
Lucy - I read the books as a child and always associated with her the best. She's lots braver than I was, though. Now I like her for her honesty (she taught me alot about that as a a kid) and faith
Edmund - I see myself in him (the redeemed sinner theme) He also very good to Lucy in PC. I'm not a big skander fan, but I guess I don't have anthing against him either.
Susan - I don't think Lewis liked Susan much...but that's just my take. I like her practicality. Sadly she took it too far sometimes.
Peter - As a kid, I wanted a Peter to take home and make my brother. Heck, I still want one. I admire his sense of responsibility, his faith, and his love.